2Act anent benefices disponit to ministeris

Forsamekle as the ministeris serving the cure within this realme being lauchfullie providit to personages and vicarages annext and pertening ofbefoir to prelaciis hes bene this tyme bygone frustrat of the rentis and fruittis of the samyn, nochtwithstanding thair lauchtfull provisionis and assignationis thairto, for remeid quhairof, and to the effect that the haill personis serving the cure of ministrie within this realme may peceablie bruik and posses thair benefices of personages and vicarages of thair awin kirkis, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis thairof in all tyme cuming conforme to thair provisioun and assignatioun of the samyn, to remane with thame and thair successouris serving the cure as said is, it is statute and ordanit that all giftes, provisionis and assignationis disponit to the ministeris serving the cure of the personages, vicarages and kirkis thairof is and salbe now and in all tyme cuming valiable and sufficient richtis and titles to thame and everie one of thame for bruiking, joysing and possessing of the same and intrometting with the fruittis, rentis and dewties thairof in tyme cuming, ratifeand and apprevand the samyn notwithstanding quhatsumevir act or constitutioun maid in the contrair; but prejudice alwayes of quhatsumevir perticuler perties richtis and speciallie the quenis majesties kirkis of Dumfermling.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.9v.
  2. The letter 'V.' written in the margin.