2Anent the ministeris gleibis

Item, quhair thair has bene na gleib of auld or quhair has bene sum of auld yit it be far within the quantitie of four aikar of land, that the designatioun to be maid of the persoun, vicar, abbot or priores landis, and falyeing thairof, out of the bischoipis landis, freiris landis or ony uther kirkland lyand within the boundis of the said paroche ay and quhill four aikaris of land be compleit. Item, that the saidis gleibis be designit with fredome of fogage, pasturage, fewall, faill, dowatt, loning, frie ische and entrie and all uther previlegis and richtis according to use and want of auld.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.9v.
  2. The letter 'V.' written in the margin.