2Anent the dispositioun of the giftis of eschaet, lyfrent or foirfaltour of the Erllis of Angus, Huntlie, Erroll and utheris contenit in the summondis of foirfaltour execute aganis thame

Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament statutis, declaris and ordanis that quhatsumevir gift of escheat, lyfrent or foirfaltour of Archibald,3 erll of Angus, George, erll of Huntlie, Frances, erll of Erroll, Schir Patrik Gordoun of Auchindoun, knicht, and utheris personis specifiit in the summondis of tressone depending aganis thame befoir this present parliament salhappin to fall and becum in his majesties handis and at his dispositioun throw sentence of foirfaltour to be pronuncit contrair thame or throw ony uther thair rebellioun and abyding at his hienes horne proceding upoun causes of tressone, the samyn to be grantit and disponit be his majestie, with advise of sevin of his ordiner counsaill sitting in jugement, to the effect the utilitie and proffite of thair saidis escheatis, lyfrentis or foirfaltouris may be haillelie applyit to his hienes propre use, and onnawyis be inoportune sutes or indirect moyen disponit and convertit to the utilitie of thair wyffis, barnis, freindis or utheris quhatsumever. And in caises ony of thair saidis escheatis salhappin to be grantit and disponit utherwayes than be the ordour befoir thair scrivit, decernis and declaris the same to be null and of nane availl, force nor effect, and the nullitie to be ressavit alsweill be way of exceptioun as actioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/15, f.7r.
  2. The letter 'P.' written in the margin.
  3. Sic. Should be William.