Ratificatioun to Martine Ellott

2Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis of parliament, hes ratifiet, apprevit and confermit and, be the tennour heirof, for him and his successouris, ratifies, apprevis and confermis the charter and infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie to Martine Ellott of Braidlie in lyfrent for all the dayis of his lyff, and to Symon Ellot, his eldest sone, his aris and assignais, off all and haill the ten pund land of auld extent of Phillop, with thair pertinentis, liand within the baronie of Hawik and be annexatioun within the schiredome of Selkirk, togidder with the teynd schaves and utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dewties, alsweill personage as vicarage, of the paroche kirk of Cassiltoun, liand in the lordschip and regalitie of Liddisdaill and schiredome of Roxburgh, as the said charter and infeftment maid thairupoun under his majesties greit seill, of the dait the nynt day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxxj yeiris, at lenth proportis in all and sindrie pointis, clausis and articles thairin contenit efter the forme and tennour thairoff, to have full strenth and effect in tyme cuming.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.90r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.