Act in favour of the commendater of Pettinweyme

2Oure soverane lord, with advise of the estaitis of this present parliament, efter dew consideratioun haid be thame of the guid, trew and faithfull service done to his majestie be his trustie counsellour Williame Stewart, commendater of Pettinweme, alsweill within this realme as outwith the same in forreyne nationis, tending to the proffite and commoditie of this haill realme and leigis thairof, and greit sowmes of money, cost and expensis sustenit be him thairin, thairfoir his majestie and estaitis findis expedient and consentis that it salbe lesum to his hienes to wadsett and annalie to the said commendater, his aris and assignais quhatsumevir, all and haill the temporall landis, lordschippis, baronies, castellis, towris, fortalices, mylnis, multuris, woddis, fischingis, tennentis, tenandries and service of frie tennentis, partis, pendicles and pertinentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging, or quhilk pertenit and belangit at ony tyme befoir to the priorie of Pettinweme; and to mak and deliver to the said Williame and his foirsaidis sic charteris and infeftmentis as he pleisis to devise for his securitie thairof, redemable alwayes and under reversioun to be maid and grantit be the said commendater, his aris and assignais, to his hienes and his successouris, contenand the sowme of aucht thousand markis money of this realme; and that notwithstanding the said act of parliament maid anent the annexatioun of kirklandis to the croun quhairthrow, and with all utheris lawis, actis and constitutionis that may onnywayis dirogat the said infeftment and dispositioun to be gevin and grantit to the said commendater and his foirsaidis, his hienes, with advise foirsaid, dispensis and promeisis for him and his successouris verbo principis nevir to impunge the samyne in jugement, nor outwith in tyme cuming; with speciall provisioun that this present act of parliament and infeftmentis to be maid to the said commendater be vertew thairof be nawyis extendit nor prejudiciall to the fewaris, uther wassellis and tennentis of the said priorie and lordschip of Pettinweme, quha hes alreddie obtenit thair landis and infeftmentis haldin immediatlie of oure soverane lord, or quha pleisis heireftir to obtene and hald ony of thair landis of the kingis majestie as thair immediat lord and superiour be vertew of the act of annexatioun of all temporall landis of benefices to his hienes croun, and nochtwithstanding the provisioun abonewrittin maid in favouris of the saidis wassellis. It salbe lesum to the said commendater and his foirsaidis to enter and ressave als mony of the saidis wassellis, thair aris, assignais and successouris as willinglie pleisis to ressave thair landis, tenementis, annuelrentis and infeftmentis thairof haldin of him and his foirsaidis, to quhome oure said soverane lord, with advise of the saidis estaitis, gevis, grantis and disponis, be thir presentis and be the tennour of the said charter to be maid heirupoun, heretablie during the tyme of the said wadsett full power and commissioun to ressave and enter als mony of the saidis wassellis, thair aris, assignais and successouris as sall pleis willinglie to enter be him and his foirsaidis, quhilkis wassellis sua enterand be the said commendater salbe haldin and astrictit to pay to him and his foirsaidis thair ressonable compositiones for the same fra tyme to tyme as the occasioun of thair entresis sall require. The quhilkis infeftmentis of the entering of the foirsaid wassellis, oure soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declaris be the tennour heirof and charter to follow heirupoun to be als valiable, effectuall and sufficient in all respectis to the saidis wassellis of the said haill priorie and thair foirsaidis for bruiking, joysing and possessing of the landis, tenementis, annuelrentis and utheris thairin to be contenit perpetuallie in all tymes cuming as gif the saidis infeftmentis haid bene maid and grantit to the said commendater and his predicessouris befoir the foirsaid act of annexatioun, or be oure said soverane lord, or his hienes successouris undir the greit seill at ony tyme sen the foirsaid act. Quhilk infeftment oure said soverane lord, with advise of the saidis estaitis, now as gif the samyne wer alreddie past and exped to the said commendater and his foirsaidis and than as now, ratifies, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis; quhairanent his hienes, with advise foirsaid, nochtwithstanding the said act of annexatioun, be thir presentis dispensis for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.86r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.