Ratificatioun to Thomas Maitland

2Forsamekle as oure soverane lord the kingis majestie of this realme, for guid causis and considerationis moving his hienes, be his lettres under his privie seill upoun the tent day of November, jM vC fourscoir aucht yeiris, and of his regne the xxij yeiris, than being decernit in parliament of lauchtfull aige, gaif, grantit and disponit to his lovit Thomas Maitland, father brother to Johnne Maitland of Auchingassill, for all the dayis of his lyftyme, ane yeirlie pensioun of the sowme of ane hundreth markis usuall money of this realme, to be uptakin yeirlie furth of the teyndis, fruittis and emolumentis of the tua part of the spirituallitie of the bischoiprik of Galloway and abbacie of Tungland, or ony pairt thairof frelie, but payment of ony thrid thairof, at the termes of payment usit and wont, quhair the said Thomas best plesit to accept the same, the said bischoiprik and abbacie than vaikand in his hienes handes as at mair lenth is contenit in the saidis lettres of gift and dispositioun granted be his hienes to the said Thomas Maitland for all the dayis of his lyftyme, thairupoun schawin and producit to his hienes, the said Thomas, be vertew of the quhilk gift, being in possessioun of the said yeirlie pensioun continewallie sen the dait of his gift thairof foirsaid lyk as he is yit, and having decreittis of the lordis of sessioun with executoriallis of horning and poynding thairupoun for ansering and making payment to him of the same yeirlie during his lyftyme, as the samyne at lenth beris; oure said soverane lord, in respect of his guid richt and title of pensioun foirsaid, and being now of guid mynd and will that nocht onlie the same sall stand in strenth and effect to him induring his lyftyme, bot also his hienes in this his hienes present parliament efter his lauchtfull and perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, generall revocatioun and dissolutioun maid thairin, with advise and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament, hes ratifiit, apprevit and confermit and, be the tennour heirof, ratifies, apprevis and confermis the foirsaid gift and dispositioun of the yeirlie pensioun abonewrittin grantit to the said Thomas Maitland during his lyftyme as said is, and all clausis and contentis of the samyne, with all decrettis and executoriallis that hes followit or may follow thairupoun conforme thairto, sua that the said gift and dispositioun of the foirsaid pensioun grantit to the said Thomas during his lyftyme as said is, sall stand in strenth, force and effect to him during the tyme foirsaid be vertew thairof, and this his hienes ratificatioun and approbatioun thairof maid be him in this present parliament, with avise and consent of the estattis thairof as said is, and he to be anserit and obeyit of the samyne during his lyftyme, with executorialis to follow thairupoun to that effect without contradictioun quhatsumever to be maid in the contrair thairof in ony wayis in tyme cuming during his lyftyme as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.71v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.