Ratificatioun of ane band of manrent to the Laird of Blaikwode

2Oure soverane lord, understanding that Williame Weir of Stanebyris, for the assythment and satisfactioun of the slauchter of umquhile Johnne Weir of Poneill, sone lauchtfull to James Weir of Blakwode, and hurting of James Reid, sone in law to the said James, to the greit effusioun of his blude, gaif his speciall band and obligatioun, obleissand him, his aris and successouris in his landis and heretage in manrent and service to the said James Weir of Blakwoid, his cheif, his aris and successouris, in his landis and leving of Blakwode perpetuallie in all tyme cuming sa lang as the hous of Blaikwod remanis and is bruikit be the surname of Weir; and that the said Williame and his foirsaidis sall tak plane pairt with the said James and his foirsaidis in nychtborheid, as alsua tak awfall, trew and plane part with him and his foirsaidis in all and sindre his and thair actionis, quarrellis, causis and bussines criminall aganis quhatsumever persoun or personis safar as lyis in thair power (oure said soverane lord and abbot of Kelso, his superiour, his awin proper and popular causis allanerlie exceptit); and to avait and attend upoun the said James and his foirsaidis with thair servandis and tennentis, and cum under his pensall in tyme of forreyne or civile wearis quhen the samyne occurris; and sall nevir ken nor knaw thair hurt or skaith in body, guidis, landis, geir, fame and utheris quhatsumevir, bot sall reveill the same to thame and stop, hinder and lett the same as thair awin skaith in all tyme cuming fra age to aige during the space abonespecefiit, as in the band and obligatioun grantit thairupoun of the dait at Stanebyris, the last day of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeris, and actit and registrat in the buikis of counsaill, and ane decreit of the lordis thairof interponit thairto upoun the xv day of August lxxxix yeiris is at mair lenth contenit. And oure said soverane lord, considdering that the foirsaid band of manrent is gevin for ane necessar and guid caus, viz: for keping and halding of the parties thairin namit, being sa neir in bluid, in perpetuall quietnes in all tyme cuming, thairfoir his majestie, with avise of the estatis of this present parliament and haill bodie thairof, ratifies and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the foirsaid band of manrent of service maid and grantit be the said Williame Weir of Stanebyris for him, his aris and successouris, to the said James Weir of Blaikwoid, his aris and successouris, band and obligatioun grantit thairupoun, haill articles, clausis, circumstances and conditionis quhatsumevir specifiet and contenit thairintill efter the forme and tennour thairof, and lordis decreit abonespecifiit interponit thairto in all pointis; and willis and grantis and, for his hienes and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that the foirsaid band and obligatioun and decreit interponit thairto is and salbe sufficient richt and title to the saidis landis of Blakwod and Stanebyris, thair successouris and posteritie for keping and observing of the samyne in all tyme cuming, ilk ane for thair awin pairtis thairof to utheris, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir lawis, actis or constitutionis maid ofbefoir in the contrair appering to be derogative heirto, anent the quhilk and all that may follow thairupoun his majestie, for his hienes and his successouris, dispensis for evir.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.71r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.