Ratificatioun to Walter Scott of Tuschelaw

2Forsamekle as oure soverane lord and estatis of this present parliament understandis perfytlie that Waltir Scott of Tusschelaw and his predicessouris hes bene auld and kyndlie possessouris and few rentallaris past memorie of man, off all and sindrie the landis of Tuschelaw, with the mylne and multeris of the samyn, the landis of Cowillaw and Gammilsheuche, lyand within the lordschip of Ettrik Forrest and schiredome of Selkirk, as the few rentaillis autentiklie subscryvit and maid thairupoun, schawin and producit befoir the saidis estaitis of parliament, in thame selffis at mair lenth proportis; in consideratioun quhairof, his hienes, efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris, with avise of his majesties trustie counsallour and familiare servitor David Seytoun of Parbroth, his hienes comptrollair, upoun the aucht day of Merche lastbypast, gaif, grantit, and in fewferme sett and disponit heretablie to the said Walter and his aris maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his body, quhilkis falyeing to his narrest aris maill and assignais quhatsumevir, all and sindrie the foirsaidis townis and landis with the miln and multuris of the samyne, togidder with the housis, biggingis, yardis, orcheardis, toftis, croftis, outsettis, partis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependances, with all thair pertinentis, lyand as said is, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his hienes successouris in fewferme and heretage, for payment of the few males mentionat in the said charter, as the samyne of the dait foirsaid, grantit under the greit seill, at mair lenth beris. And to the end that the said Walter, his aris and assignais foirsaidis may have the better securitie of the foirsaidis landis, mylne and utheris abone specefiit in tyme cuming, thairfoir, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis foirsaidis, be the tennour heirof, ratifies, apprevis and confermes the said few charter and infeftment grantit to the said Walter and his foirsaidis of the particuler landis and utheris abonewrittin in maner abonerehersit in all and sindre heidis, pointis, articles, clausis and conditionis thairof, quhilkis his hienes, with avise foirsaid, haldis as heirin speciallie expressit. And forder oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis estaitis, be the tennour of thir presentis, revoikis, casis and annullis all and quhatsumever utheris charteris, preceptis of seasing, instrumentis, giftis and dispositionis maid and grantit be his hienes him self, his regentis or predicessouris or ony of thame to quhatsumever persoun or personis of the foirnamit particlar landis and utheris foirsaidis, or ony pairt or particulair toun thairof; and declaris and decernis the same fra the beginning and to be in all tymes cuming null and of nane availl, force nor effect with all that hes followit, or may follow, thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.66r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.