Ratificatioun to Johnne Gib, wallet of his majesties chalmer

2Oure soverane lord, remembring the lang, guid, trew and faithfull service done to his majestie, alsweill in his hienes minoritie as majoritie, be his grace dalie servitour Johnne Gib, ane of the wallettis in his graces chalmer, and willing to gif him the better occasioun to continew thairin in tyme cuming, with avise and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament and haill body of the same, ratifies, apprevis and, for his majestie and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the lettres of constitutioun and ordinatioun maid and grantit be oure soverane lord and lady, with ane expres consent and assent to the said Johnne Gib and James Gib, his sone and apperand air, and the langest levair of thame tua successive, during all the dayis of thair lyftymes, makand, constituand and ordinand thame keparis of the place and yardis of Dumfermling, alsweill vacand be deceise of umquhile Robert, commendater of Dumfermling, and monkis departit this present lyff, or quhen the samyne sall vaik be deceis of ony of the monkis, present possessouris thairof, and gevand to thame and ilk ane of thame the office thairof for all the dayis of thair lyftymes, with power to the said Johnne Gib and James, his sone, and ilk ane of thame, to mak depuittis for keping of the foirsaid place and yardis for quhome thai salbe haldin to anser. And for keping of the quhilk place and yardis, and useing of the office thairof, oure said soverane lord and ladie gaif, grantit, disponit and speciallie assignit to the saidis Johnne and James, and the langest levair of thame tua during thair lyftymes, all and haill the few males of the toun and landis of Mastertoun, with the pertinentis, being ane pairt of the patrimonie of the said abbacie of Dumfermling, togidder with the haill teynd wictuall, teynd stray extending to fourtie thraiffis, canys, reikfowlis, custumes and utheris dewties quhatsumevir, quhairof the fewaris and possessouris of the foirsaid toun and landis hes bene in use of payment to the commendateris of the said abbacie and thair chalmerlanis in thair names sen the setting of the samyn landis in few, to be payit to the saidis Johnne and James, and ilk ane of thame respective during thair lyftymes, at the termes of payment usit and wount at the croip and yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, and sua furth yeirlie in tyme cuming during the spaces respective abonespecefiit, haill pointis, articles, clausis, conditionis and circumstances quhatsumever mentionat in the saidis lettres of constitutioun and ordinatioun, as in the samyne under the privie seill off the dait at Halyruidhous, the auchtene day of Merch, fourscoir ellevin yeris, is at mair lenth contenit; and willis and declaris and, for his hienes and his successouris, with avise and consent foirsaid, decernis and ordanis that the saidis lettres of constitutioun and this his majesties ratificatioun grantit thairupoun is, and salbe, sufficient richt and title to the saidis Johnne Gib and James, his sone, and the langest levair of thame, during thair lyftymes, for using and exerceing of the foirsaid office, intrometting with and uplifting of the few males, teynd wictuall, teynd stra, canys, reik fowlis, custumes and utheris dewties respective abone mentionat, speciallie disponit and assignit thairfoir, but ony clame, questioun or contradictioun to be maid or movit be the saidis Johnne and James, or ony of thame during the space abone specifiet.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.56v-57r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.