Ratificatioun to Maister David Chalmer of Ormound

2Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaitis of this present parliament, understanding that his hienes umquhile darrest father and mother, of moist noble memorie, king and quene of this realme, disponit to Maistir David Chalmer of Ormon, ane of the ordiner senatouris of the college of justice, his aris and assignais in fewferme, all and haill the toun and landis of Casteltoun and boittis thairof, Balmaduchie, Ochterflo and Mekle Suddie, with the mill, millandis, ailhoussis and ailhous croft thairof, lyand within the lordschip of Ardmnoche and sherefdome of Invernes, to be haldin of our saidis umquhile soveranis lord and lady, his majesties predicessouris and thair successouris for yeirlie payment conforme to the auld rentall, with ane yeirlie augmentatioun contenit in the said Maister Davidis charter of fewferme of the dait at Striviling, the tuentie thre day of December, the yeir of God jM vC threscoir sex yeiris, quhilk wes deulie ratifiit and apprevit be hir majestie, with avise of the haill estaitis of hir parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xix day of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vC threscoir sevin yeiris, in hir hienes perfite aige, lyk as oure soverane lord, efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, under the testimonie of his greit seill, hes ratifiet and confermit the said infeftment (cum clausula de novo damus); togidder with the said act of parliament of the daittis respective foirsaidis, lyk as the said confirmatioun of the dait at Edinburgh, the secund day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, with the said infeftment and act of parliament beris; lyk as also his majestie in his perfite aige of tuentie ane yeiris and act of annexatioun, annexing the spirituall landis to the crown, disponit to the said Maistir David heretablie all and haill the gleibis and mansis of the chancellarie of Ross and vicarage of Suddie, all and haill the gleib, mansis and kirklandis of Kynnettis (cum decimis inclusis) lyand in the Channonrie of Ross at the kirkis of Suddie and Kynnettis respective within the diocie of Ross and schirefdome of Invernes; siclyk and all and haill tua oxingang of Nauitie, with the pertinentis, lyand within the schirefdome of Cromertie, boundit, to be haldin and for payment respective specifiit in the said Maistir Davidis infeftmentis maid thairanent. And attour, his majestie hes gevin, grantit and disponit to the said Maistir David, his aris and assignais, all and haill the tenement of land bak and foir, under and abone, with the pertinentis, lyand within the burgh of Edinburgh on the southsyd thairof at the heid of the cloise callit Stewartis Cloise, dotit of auld to the college kirk of Creichtoun and pertening to oure said soverane lord be vertew of the said act of annexatioun, quhilkis infeftment, with the saidis gleibis, mansis, kirkland, tua oxingang of land of Nauitie, togidder with the said tenement of land lyand as said is, his hienes, efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, hes ratifiet, approvin and of new gevin as his grace dispositioun thairof of the dait at Edinburgh, the secund day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ellevin yeiris, at mair lenth proportis. And seing this is the first parliament efter his majesties perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, his majestie, with avise of the estaitis of this present parliament, ratifies, apprevis and confermis the foirsaidis dispositionis, infeftmentis and act of parliament off the daittis and tenouris abone mentionat, for geving of the same farther strenth, force and effect, gif ony farther richt, consent or authorizement may be found neidfull thairunto in ony tyme heireftir; and willis that this present ratificatioun be extendit and interpreit in als ample forme as the said act maid in the said Maistir Davidis favouris and ratifiit in parliament, haldin be his hienes umquhile darrest mother, with all and sindre pointis, articles and clausis specifit in the samyne.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.52r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.