Ratificatioun in favour of the barnis of umquhill Schir Lues Bellenden of Auchnoule, lait justice clerk

2Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament, now efter his majesties perfite aige of xxv yeiris compleit, ratifies, apprevis and, for him and his sucessouris, perpetuallie confermis the infeftment gevin and grantit befoir to umquhile Schir Lues Bellenden of Auchnoule, knicht, justice clerk to his majestie, his aris and assignais thairin contenit, off the landis and baronie of Brochtoun, with annexis, connexis, partis and pendicles thairin speciallie contenit, in all pointis, clausis and circumstances thairof; togidder with the act of parliament maid be oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis the xxix day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, ratifeand and apprevand the said infeftment in all pointis and clausis of the same. And siclyk oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis ratifies and apprevis the uther of parliament maid at Linlithgow, the tent day of December, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxv yeiris, and the thrid act maid in oure said soverane lordis parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the said xxix day of Julii, jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, baith concerning the landis of Wodhouslie and utheris thairin contenit and redemptioun thairof, and that the samyn suld be bruikit and joysit be the said umquhile Schir Lues, his aris and assignais as thair propre heretage in tyme cuming, nochtwithanding the generall pacificationis or ony utheris actis maid in ony of the saidis parliamentis in generall or in speciall. Quhilkis actis and ordinances, oure said soverane lord and his saidis estaitis decernis and ordanis to remane and abyd in thair full strenth, force and effect irrevocable to the aris and successouris of the said umquhile Schir Lues for bruiking and joysing of the saidis landis and utheris contenit in the saidis infeftmentis in all tyme heireftir, nochtwithstanding ony his hienes revocationis, or quhatsumevir uther act or constitutioun generall or speciall maid heirtofoir, to the quhilk thir presentiz sall mak and makis speciall derogatioun in that pairt.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.51r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.