Ratificatioun of the hospitall of Perth

2Oure soverane lord, now eftir his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeris compleit, generall and last revocatioun, maid with advise and consent of the estaitis of this present parliament, having be his majesties chancellair, thesaurair, comptroller, collector generall and utheris his hienes trustie and weilbelovit counselloris, perusit and considderit the charter, infeftment and confirmatioun under his hienes greit seill off the dait at Edinburgh, the tuentie nynt day of Julii, jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, maid, gevin and grantit be his majestie, with advise of his chancellair, thesaurair, comptroller and collector generall, to the puir memberis of Jesus Christ than and in all tymes thaireftir cuming, duelland and resident wthin the burgh of Perth, off all and sindrie landis, tenementis, houses, biggingis, kirkis, kirkyardis, chapellis, collegis, yardis, orcheardis, croftis, annuelrentis, few males, fewfermes, pensionis, mylnis, mylne landis and thair sequellis, fischingis, fruittis, rentis, dewties, proffittis, proventis, emolumentis, fermes, canis, services, almesses, daill silver, obitis and anniversariis and utheris quhatsumevir quhilkis onywayis pertenit, or ar knawin to pertene, or micht or may pertene to quhatsumevir chaplanries, alterages, vicarages, prebendaries and benefices foundat in quhatsumevir kirk, chapell, college or place within the fredome, terriritorie, suburbis or parochin of the said burgh of Perth, be quhatsumevir patrone or patronis, or quhilkis onywayis pertenit, or ar knawin to pertene, or micht or may pertene to quhatsumevir hospitallis, masoundewis, almous houses, leperfolk or puir wthin the said burgh of Perth, fredome, territorie, suburbis or parochin thairof, in possessioun quhairof the chaiplanis, prebendaris, vicaris and utheris beneficit personis of the same or the saide hospitallis, masoundewis, almous houses, lepair folk or puir respective wer or micht have bene of befoir, quherevir the saidis landis, tenementis, houses, biggingis, kirkis, kirkyardis, chapellis, collegis, yardis, orcherdis, croftis, annuelrentis, few males, fewfermes, pensionis, mylnis, mylnelandis and thair sequellis, dewtes, proffittis, proventis, emolumentis, fermes, cainys, services, almeses, dailsilver, obitis, anniversares and utheris quhatsumevir lyis or wes liftit of befoir respective, with places, maner places, mansionis, kirkis, kirkyardis, yardis, orcheardis, landis, akaris, croftis, annuelrentis, pensionis, fischingis, mylnis, mylnelandis and thair sequellis, dewties, proffeittis, proventis, emolumentis and utheris quhatsumevir quhilkis pertenit of befoir, or micht or may pertene to the blak freris or predicatoris, or to the freiris minoris or Franciscane, or to the quhite freiris of the said burgh of Perth, togidder with the yardis, monasterie or place of the charterhouse situat beside the same burgh, and with all and sindre uther landis, houses, tenementis, annuelrentis, pensionis, fruittis, rentis and dewties lyand or upliftit wthin the said burgh of Perth, fredome, territorie, suburbis or parochin of the same, gevin, dotat, fundat or usit to be payit to quhatsumevir chaiplanries, alteris, alterages, monasteries, places, collegis, kirkis, benefices, mortuaries or anniversariis quherevir thai ar or ly wthin this realme; and alsua all and sindrie annuelrentis, pensionis and utheris dewties usit to be payit be the provest, ballies or inhabitantis of the said burgh of Perth, or wthin the fredome, suburbis, territorie or parochin thairof, to quhatsumevir kirk, chapell, college, alter, monasterie, prebendarie, place or benefice without the said burgh, for quhatsumevir caus or occasioun, and speciallie for celebratioun of suffragis; and lykwyis weill and ryplie perusit and considderit the act of parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the said xxix day of Julii, the foirsaid yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeris, quhairin the said charter, infeftment and confirmatioun ar insert, and quhairby the same ar deulie ratifiet, approvin and confermit and decernit and ordanit to have the strenthe of ane act of parliament in tyme cuming; and lettrez and executoriallis to pas thairupoun eftir the forme specifiet thairin as the saidis chartor, infeftment, confirmaoun and act of parliament in thame selffis respective mair fullelie proportis; thairfoir oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis, yit as of befoir, hes ratifiit and approvin and, be the tennor theirof for his hienes and his successouris, ratifies, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis the charter, infeftment and confirmatioun, donatioun, dispositioun, poweris, privilegis, reductionis, declarationis and all utheris thingis thairin contenit, with the seasing following thairupoun, and the said act of parliament in all and sindrie pointis, passes, articles, clauses and conditionis, immunities, privilegis, liberties and circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit, and willis, declaris and ordanis the samyn to be extendit to and with the clauses of tennentis, tennandries and service of frie tennantis, siclyk as gif the same clauses wer speciallie insert thairin, notwithstanding that the samyn clauses, be the negligence of writtaris, be omittit; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his hienes successouris that the samyn charter, infeftment and confirmatioun, donatioun, dispositioun, poweris, privilegis, reductionis, declaratoris and all utheris thingis thairin contenit, with tennantis, tenandriis, service of frie tennantis and the said speciall clauses thairof to be insert, repute and estemit to be insert theirin, is and salbe in all tyme cuming, effectuall, valide, guid and sufficient to the saidis puir memberis of Jesus Chryst present and to cum within the said burgh of Perth for the peceable bruiking and joysing of all thingis mentionat in the same chartor, infeftment and confirmatioun, with tennentis, tennandries and services of frie tennentis, perpetuallie and in all tyme cuming, according to the tennor, substance and meaning thairof in all pointis; and for nonentress, ressaving and admitting of tennentis, nochwtstanding his majesties revocatioun maid in this present parliament, or ony uther revocatioun maid of befoir or to be maid in ony tyme heirefter, or ony utheris his hienes actis, lawis, statutis and constitutionis generall or speciall maid or to be maid to the prejudice or derogatioun thairof, or of ony thing expressit in the same, under the quhilkis the said charter, infeftment nor confirmatioun, nor na pairt thairof, sall nevir be comprehendit be na maner of way; and willis, decernis and ordanis the said charter, infeftment and confirmatioun wth the additioun of the said clauses (of tennentis, tennandries and service of frie tennantis) to have the strenth of ane act of parliament; and lettres and executoriallis to pas thairupoun in forme specifiet thairin.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.37v-38r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.