Aganis foirstalleris and regraittaris

2Forsamekle as sindrie actis of parliament hes bene maid for puneisment of foirstallaris and regrattaris, being veray perntious memberis in the commoun weill, yit becaus it hes not bene expressit quhat wes foirstalling regraitting, thai3 soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in this present parliament, declaris, statutis and oranis that quhaevir by or causses by ony merchandice, victuall or uther thing cuming be land or watter toward ony fair or mercatt in burgh or in landwart to be sauld in the same frome ony partis beyond sea or within the realme, or makis ony contract or promeiss for the having and bying of the same or ony pairt thairof befoir the saidis merchandise, victuallis or uther thing salbe in the fair or marcatt place in burgh, port or raid ready to be sauld, or sall mak ony motioun be word, write or message for raising of the prices or deirar selling of ony of the thingis abonementionat to the mercat, fair or toun, salbe estemit and jugeit ane foirstaller. And quhaevir gettis in his possessioun in ony fair or mercatt, ony corne, victuall, flesche, fische or uther viveris that salbe brocht to be sauld, and sellis the same agane in ony fair or mercat haldin in the same place or ony uther fair or mercat within four mylis thairof, or quha gettis in his hand be bying contract of promeiss the growand corne on the feild, salbe repute a regrattair, and becaus thair hes sa little effect followit in the executioun of the said act be the magistrattis within burrowis to quhome the executioun thereof wes committit, thairfoir it salbe lawchfull in tyme coming to our soverane lordis thesaurar or advocat to call and persew all personis suspect and dilatit of foirstalling and regraitting incais they salhappin to prevene be apprehending, intenting and executing first, alsweill as the saidis magistrattis in burrowis. And it sall not be lesum to the magistrattis within burgh to replege ony personis challengeit or persewit be the thesaurair or advocatt befoir his hienes justice or his deputtis at justice airis or particuler dyettis. And albeit thair be na speciall dittay bot that the foirstallair and regraitar be onlie accusit of commoun foirstalling or regraiting sa repute and haldine, yit the libell in that generallitie sall stand relevant and the personis accused to be put to the knawlege of ane assyiss. And gif thair cum in will or be convict be an assyis for commoun foirstalling and regraiting of mercattis, they sall incur for the first falt the pane and unlaw of fourtie pundis and sall find souirtie to abstene in tyme cuming under the pane of ane hudnreth markis; and gif he sall agane in the secund falt, the principall and his souirtie to incur and pay the said sowme of ane hundreth markis; and for the thrid falt the offendar being convict or cum in will to tyne and foirfalt all his moveable guidis to be inbrocht to our soverane lordis use as escheat, and that justice courtis or aris for the effect foirsaid be haldin everie yeir twyiss.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.34v.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.
  3. APS reads 'thairfoir oure ...'.