Anent the eschaetis of rebellis

2Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that na assignatioun or uther evident alleagit maid in defraud of the creditour salbe a valiable title to persew or defend with, gif it salbe than instantlie verifiet be wreit that the cedent remanis rebell and at the horne for the same caus unrelaxt, nor na gift of eschaet, assignatioun or uther richt proceding thairof alleagit maid in defraud of the creditour and in favour of the rebell salbe valiable title to persew or defend with, gif it salbe than instantlie verifiet be wreit that the rebell remanis still at the horne for the same caus. As alsua it salbe a relevant exceptioun aganis ony pretending title be assignatioun or gift of escheat of the rebell to alleage that the said rebell him self, his wyff, barnis or neir freindis remanis in possessioun of his takkis and guidis to his awin use and behove; and in cais escheattis or lyfrentis salhappin to be gevin ony utherwayis nor to the behuif of the pairtie offendit, the thesaurair salbe haldin to mak the dispositioun to a responsall persoun quha salbe debtour to the pairtie at quhais instance the horning is led for his debt, or the thesaurair (gif he think gude) sall tak guid sufficient cautioun for his releif. And incais the donatour sall not be found responsall in landis or guidis, oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis, declaris the gift to be null. And becaus personis convict or standand rebellis for treasone, murther, slauchter or utheris odious crymes commounlie hes the fruitioun of thair guidis, debtis, takkis, steddingis and possessionis, thair housis still bruikit and possest be thair wyiffis, barnis or tendir freindis to the defraud of the law, of the proffite of the croun and encowrageing of wickit men efter committing of mischevous deidis, and that under pretens and cullour of fraudfull dispositionis or assignatiounis maid be thame selffis or giftis of thair escheattis simulatlie purchest or transferit in favour of thame selffs, thair wyffis, barnis, tendir freindis or weilwillaris, to thair commoditie and behuif; for remeid quhairof, oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis, statutis and ordanis that the saidis fraudfull and simulat dispositionis of escheatis, or ony thing following thairupoun, sall not serve to nurische and sustene the saidis tratouris and rebellis in thair contempt and rebellioun, bot that it salbe lauchfull to his hienes and his thesaurair to intromettwith and uptak the saidis eschaet guidis, geir and debtis remaning in the possessioun of the persoun be quhais deid and occasioun it fell, or of his wyff, barnis, famelie or tendir freindis quhatsumevir, upoun the ground and within the hous occupiet and possest be him befoir he was declarit or put to the horne; or in cais he have bene ressett in the same hous at ony tyme efter his foirfaltour or denunceatioun to the horne, notwithstanding ony fraudfull dispositioun or assignatioun or simulat gift or richt of eschaet purchest of the same in favour or to the behuif of the saidis tratouris or rebellis of befoir, quhairthrow the hous and possessionis of the saidis tratouris and rebellis sall nawyis be sufferrit to cum to thair use or commoditie, directlie or indirectlie, during the tyme of thair rebellioun and the uptaking of the saidis eschaet guidis and debtis, and laubouring of the saidis takkis and possessionis during the continuance of the saidis tratouris and rebellis in thair rebellioun sall nawyis be imput to the said thesaurair or utheris havand his richt or directioun as ony actioun, criminall or civile, exonering and dischargeing thame of the same forevir; and that the said thesaurair or his depuittis caus the housis of the personis committaris of the crymes foirsaidis be detenit and kepit upoun the expens of the reddiest of the saidis eschaet guidis.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.33r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.