For the better keping of the kingis parkis

2Oure soverane lord, with avise of his estatis, considdering the greit skaith done to his parkis and forrestis be the libertie that everie man usurpis be the imputting of all kind of guidis in thame but ony licience haid and obtenit thairto, quhairthrow the saidis parkis and forrestis ar alluterlie destroyit and maid unproffitable for his majesties use, thairfoir, it is statute and ordanit that quhatsumevir guidis not imput be the comptrollair, or ony havand his power, salbe at ony tyme eftir this present parliament fund pasturing within ony his majesties parkis and forrestis, it salbe lauchfull to the comptrollar or ony haveand oure soverane lordis power to intromett with the samyn, escheit and inbring thame to his majesties use, without ony danger of law or perrell to follow thairupoun; and that lettrez be direct heirupoun be the lordis of secreit counsaill, sessioun or chekker chargeing all and sindrie within ten dayis warning to red and remove thair haill guidis out of the saidis parkis, with certificatioun and thay failyie, the said ten dayis being bypast, thay salbe escheitit and inbrocht to his majesties3 behuif, and that publicatioun be maid heirof at the paroch kirkis and mercat croces of the burrowis nixt adjacent to the saidis parkis and forrestis.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.23v-24r.
  2. Written in margin: 'V'.
  3. APS reads 'his majesties use and ...'.