Concerning the office of lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis2

3Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, considdering the greit abuse that hes bene amongis the leigis of this realme in thair bearing of armes, usurpand to thame selffis sic armes as belangis not unto thame sua that it can nocht be distinguischit be thair armes quha ar gentlemen of blude be thair antecessouris, nor yit may it be decernit quhat gentlemen ar discendit of noble stok and linage; for remeid quhairof, his hienes, with advise of the saidis estaitis, hes gevin and grantit and, be this present act, gevis and gratis full power and commissioun to lyoun king of armes and his brether herauldis to visite the haill armes of noblemen, baronis and gentlemen borne and usit within this realme, and to distinguische and discerne thame with congruent differences, and thaireftir to matriculat thame in thair buikis and registeris, and to put inhibitioun to all the commoun sort of people not worthie be the law of armes to beir ony signes armoriallis, that nane of thame presume or tak upoun hand to beare or use ony armes in tyme cuming upoun ony thair insicht or houshald geir under the pane of the escheating of the guidis and geir sa oft as thay salbe fund contravenand this present act, quhairevir the same armes salbe found grawin and paintit, to oure soverane lordis use, and lykwayis under the pane of ane hundreth pundis to the use of the said lyoun and his brether herauldis; and failyeing of payment thairof, that thay be incarcerat in the narrest prissone, thairin to remane upoun thair awin chargis during the plesure of the said lyoun. Item, becaus chargis of tressone hes not bene execut and usit with sic sollempnitie and officiaris of armes as the wechtines thairof requires, it is statute and ordanit that oure soverane lordis thesaurair and utheris directaris of sic lettres deliver thame in tyme cuming to be execut be the ordinar herauldis and pursevandis berand coittis of armes or masaris, to be usit be thame as of befoir, and gif ony executionis under the pane of tressone salbe execut utherway, declaris the executionis to be null and of nane availl. Item, in consideratioun of the greit abuse of messingeris and officiaris of armes within this realme, quhilkis for the maist pairt ar not qualifiet for using of the said office, being admittit be extraordinar and inoportune suittis, be quhais abuse the leigis of this realme ar heavelie trublit and opprest, thairfoir it is statute and ordanit that the said king of armes be advise of the lordis of counsaill and sessioun deprive and discharge all sic officiaris and messingeris of armes as he sall find unworthie of the office and tak sicker souirtie of the remanent for thair observatioun of thair injunctionis in tyme cuming, with power to the said king of armes, with advise of the saidis lordis, to enjoyne further necessar injunctionis to the saidis messingeris for keping of guid ordour in thair offices, dischargeing him in the meantyme to admit ony ma officiaris heireftir quhill the haill messingeris presentlie bering armes be reducit be death or deprivatioun to the nowmer contenit in the act of parliament maid anent the confusit nowmer of officiaris of armes.

4Item, for remeid of the greit questionis and debaittis that arrysis at all parliamentis and uther solempne conventionis anent the ranking of noblemen according to the auncietie of thair hous and prioritie of thair voittis, oure soverane lord, with advise of his saidis estaitis in parliament, gevis, grantis and committis full power and commissioun to William, erll of Angus, lord Douglas and Abirnethie, George, erll Merschell, lord Keith, Maister Robert Douglas, provest of Lincluden, collectour generall, Adame, bischoip of Orknay, Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarny, knicht, thesaurair, Schir Richert Cokburne, younger, of Clerkingtoun, secretair, Robert, lord Altrie, Schir Johnne Cokburne of Ormeistoun, knicht, justice clerk, Alexander Hay of Eister Kennet and Schir David Lindsay of the Mont, knicht, lyoun king of armes, or ony four of thame, the saidis Erll Marschell and lyoun being alwayes tua, to convene, consult, try and gif thair advise subscryvit with thair handes how all the estaitis of this realme sall ryd frome the kingis palace to the parliament hous and toward thair sitting and voiting thairin. Item,5 last, that becaus the jurisdictioun of the lyoun king of armes is not able to execute dew punisment upoun all personis that salhappin to offend in the office of armes, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of his estaitis in parliament, ordanis and commandis all civile magistratis as thay salbe requirit be the king of armez or any utheris in his name to concur with him to sie the actis maid in his favouris of his office put to dew executioun in thair jurisdictionis, as alsua to concur with him to the puneisment and incarceratioun of all sic personis as sall usurp the bearing of his majesties armes efter dew deprivatioun under the pane of rebellioun and putting of the disobeyaris to his hienes horne, with certificatioun to thame and thay failye, being requirit, lettrez salbe direct simpliciter to put thame to the horne.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.20r-v.
  2. In APS, this act is split into sections and numbered.
  3. Written in margin: 'V'.
  4. A new section begins at the turn of f.20v. Written in margin: 'P' at top of f.20v. 'V' is written mid-way down this section.
  5. 'Item' underlined.