Act anent the ministeris mans of Pettinweme

2Oure soverane lord, now efter his perfite aige of tuentie fyve yeiris compleit, with avise of the haill estaitis of this present parliament, ratifies and apprevis and, for his majestie and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes the charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis maid and grantit be Williame, commendater of Pettinweme, and Williame Scott of Abbottishal respective to the ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the burgh of Pettinweyme and thair successouris ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh for the tyme, off all and haill that greit hous or greit building of the monasterie of Pettinweme under and abone, with the pertinentis contenand the channonis or monkis frater and dortour of the said monasterie, with the cellaris beneth and loftis abone the samyn frater and dortour; and siclyk of the westries of the said monasterie under and above with thair continentis, and of the chaptour chalmer of the same monasterie and cellair beneth the said chalmer under and above, with all and sindrie thair pertinentis, all lyand in the said monasterie of Pettinweme within the schirefdome of Fyff, on the wast pairt of the inner clois of the said monasterie, betuix the samyn clois on the eist, the new galrie at the eist end of the hall of the said monasterie on the south, the commoun gait, kirk yaird and hous pertening to James and Williame Stevinsonis respective on the wast and the wast gardin of the said monasterie on the north partis; and that for the edifeing and bigging of the ministeris mans, grammer scule, tolbuith, prissone, wey hous and custume hous of the same burgh and utheris necessar hous to the publict use of the said burgh and kirk of the samyn in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles and clauses, immunities, privilegis, liberties and circumstances quhatsumevir contenit in the said charteris, infeftmentis and seasingis; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the samyne charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis is, and salbe, in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the said ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris for the peceable bruiking and joysing of all and haill the said greit house or greit building contening as said is, under and abone, with thair continentis, and of the saidis vestries, chaptour, chalmer and cellair beneth the same, under and abone, with thair continentis and utheris mentionat in the saidis charteris, infeftmentis and sasingis, with all liberties and privilegeis specefiit in the same, perpetuallie and in all tyme cuming according to the tennour and substance thairof in all pointis, notwithistanding quhatsumevir his majesties revocatioun alreddie maid or to be maid in ony tyme heireftir, or ony utheris his hienes actis, lawis, statutis or constitutionis, generall or speciall, maid or to be maid to the prejudice or dirogatioun thairof or ony of the liberties or privileges expressit in the samyn under the quhilkis the saidis infeftmentis, charteris and seasingis nor na pairt thairof sall nevir be comprehendit be na maner of way, and als notwithstanding of quhatsumevir utheris infeftmentis or securities maid or grantit to ony uther persoun or personis of the said greit hous and utheris foirsaidis or ony pairt thairof in hurt and prejudice of the saidis ballies, counsaill, burgess and communitie of the said burgh and thair saidis successouris thairanent, quhilkis his majestie, with advise foirsaid, for his hienes and his successouris, expreslie revoikis, cassis and annullis be the tennour of thir presentis, and decernis and declaris the same to have bene fra the beginning and to be in all tyme cumming null and of nane availl, force nor effect, as gif the samyn had nevir bene maid. And forder, oure said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis haill estaitis, ordanis to the effect foirsaid ane new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid with consent of his hienes officiaris requisit thairto under his hienes gret seall in the maist ample and dew forme; and that frelie but payment of ony compositioun off the said great hous or greit building, vestreis, chaptour, chalmer, cellaris, loftis and utheris foirsaidis to the saidis ballies, counsell, burgess and communitie of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his successouris be vertew of the act of anexatioun for the yeirlie payment of vj s. viij d. usuall money of this realme at tua termes in the yeir, Witsonday and Martimes in winter, be equall portionis in name of fewferme, quhilk new charter, infeftment and gift to be maid as said is, oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis estaitis, ratifies and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermes in all and sindrie pointis, pasis, articles, clauses, immunities, privileges, liberties, immunities and circumstances quhatsumevir thairin contenit; and decernis and declaris for his majestie and his saidis successouris that the same salbe in all tyme cuming effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient to the saidis bellies, counsaill, communitie and burgess of the said burgh of Pettinweme and thair saidis successouris to the effect foirsaid, and als effectuall, guid, valide and sufficient as gif the same wer alredie maid and past and dewlie be this foirsaid act of parliament confirmit and registrat in the same.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.18v-19r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.