Ratificatioun to Johnne Dury, minister

2Oure soverane lord, considering the greit, lang and ernest travellis and laubouris sustenit be his lovit oratour Johnne Dury, minister of Goddis word at Montrois, in the trew preaching of Goddis word, besydes the greit chargis and expensis maid be him thir mony yeris bygane in avanceing the publict effayres of the kirk, and thairwith all remembring the greit houshald and famelie of barnis quhairwith he is burdynnit, quhairby his majestie, being movit of befoir, gaif, grantit and disponit to him, Marioun Marjoribankis, his spous, and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, and the langer levair of thame thre respective and successive during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes, all and haill ane yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis to be upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the landis and lordschip of Altrie, laitlie erectit, lyand within the schirefdome of Abirdene, quhilk pensioun his hienes promessit to ratifie and confirme in verbo principis in the nixt parliament; quhilk promeis being callit to his majesties remembrance and estaitis of this present parliament, efter dew consideratioun of the caus abonewrittin and uther guid and thankfull service done be the said Johnne Durie to his majestie and haill kirk of this realme, thairfoir his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis ratifies, apprevis and confermis the letter of gift and pensioun maid be his hienes to the said Johnne Dury, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, off the dait at Halyruidhous, the sevint day of August, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ten yeiris, off the said sowme of sevin scoir pundis to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the few males of the said landis and lordschip of Altrie in all the pointis, clausis and conditionis thairof; and willis and declaris the said lettre of pensioun to be exceptit furth of his majesties generall revocatioun maid efter his hienes aige of tuentie fyve yeiris, and nawyes to be comprehendit under the same nor na uther generall nor speciall revocationis bygane; and to be als valide, gude and sufficient in the selff to the saidis personis and uther of thame as gif the same wer expreslie exceptit and reservit in the said revocatioun, notwithstanding of quhatsumevir actis of parliament, lawis or constitutionis maid in the contrair, quhairwith his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis be this present act dispense and makis expres dirogatioun thairto in safar as the same may appier to be prejudiciall to the said lettre of pensioun. Attour, his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis of new gevis, grantis and disponis to the said Johnne Durie, Marioun Marjoribankis and Maister Josua Durie, thair sone, during all the dayis of thair thre lyftymes respective and successive, all and haill the said yeirlie pensioun of sevin scoir pundis, to be yeirlie upliftit be thame furth of the said few malis and lordschip of Altrie, and for the mair suir payment assignis to thame the saidis few males of the said lordschip of Altrie, commanding the said Lord Altrie, his airis and successouris, to make thankfull payment of the samyne during the space foirsaid, and dischargeand the collectour generall thesaurair of the new augmentatiounis and comptroller, present and tocum, off all calling, chargeing or persewing for the saidis few males and of all stopping of the saidis personis in the said yeirlie pensioun and of thair offices in that pairt; ordaning also the lordis of chekker to allow the said yeirlie pensioun to the said Johnne Durie and his foirsaidis in the comptis of the fewmales of the temporall landis upoun the sicht of this present act and ordinance.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.17v-18r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.