Legislation: private act
Exceptioun in favour of Adam, bischop of Orknay

2Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes fullie understand how that Adame, bischope of Orknay, commendatare of Halyrudhous and ane of the lordis of his hienes counsall and sessioun, wes in oure soverane lordis tender aige constranit to change the fruitis of the said bischoprik of Orknay, the rentis quhairof were than haill and frie with the benefice of Halyruidhous, quhairof thair restit na thing unconsumit but the thrid quhilk was disponit be oure soverane lordis derrest mother in hir perfite aige to the bairnes of Robert, erle of Orknay, hir brother, quhilk pensioun the said erle takand the burding in and upoun him for the saidis bairnes transferrit in the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, oblissand him in maist strait forme for warrandice of the said pensioun. Nevirtheles in the moneth of [...] the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris, be ane new ordour establisched for satisfeing of the ministeris stipendis, it was appointit that furth of the saidis thriddis of Halyruidhous thair sould be gevin yeirlie for sustentatioun of the ministrie serving the cure at the kirkis of the said abbay the [...] of aucht hundreth threscoir pundis, upoun the conditioun of the payment quhairof the said former gift of pensioun wes ratifiit and apprevit; lyk as the said Robert, erle of Orknay, become of new oblist for warrandice to the said bischop of the said soume of viijC lx lib., in respect of the quhilk the said Adame, bischop of Orknay, hes maid thankfull pament to the ministeris serving the cure of the saidis kirkis continewallie of the said soume sensyne, quhilk being deiplie weyit and considerit be his majestie, the lordis of secreit counsall, sessioun and chekker at the constitutioun maid be thame upoun the xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris, anent the generall provisioun of the haill ministeris of this realme and all the premis being than tryit to be of veritie for the pairt of the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, and it being than weill considerit that gif the thriddis of the said abbay of Halyruidhous sould be upliftit with extremetie thair sould not rest samekle as sould beir the charges of the said Adam, bischope of Orknay, his estait in oure soverane lordis service, quhairin he hes bene occupiet be the space of xxxij yeiris bypast; and thairfoir be the said generall act and constitutioun, it wes decernit and ordanit that the thrid of the said benefice of Halyruidhous sould remane in the said estait quhairin it was of befoir, and that the samyn sould be upliftit be the said Adame, bischop of Orknay, he payand to the saidis ministeris the said soume of aucht hundreth threscoir pundis. And for the samyn caus, oure said soverane lord and his collectour generall ressavit ane assignatioun fra the said bischope of Orknay of the said warrandice, in the quhilk the said Robert, erle of Orknay wes oblist unto him, quhilk warrandice oure said soverane lord and his collectour hes disponit to James Stewart, sone naturall to the said erle, for yeirlie pament of fyve hundreth pund money; bot nevirtheles the lordis appoyntit for modifeing of the ministeris stipendis, not weill remembering the said generall ordinance, haif assignit ane greit quantitie of silver and victuall to the ministeris furth of the said thrid above the said soume of viijC lx lib., quhilk hes bred na small trouble to the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, being na forder dettour nor is abone expremit; thairfoir, oure said soverane lord and estaittis in parliament, efter dew tryall and examinatioun takin in the said mater, haif ratifiit and apprevit and be the tennour of this present act ratifies and apprevis the claus and conditioun insert in the said act and constitutioun maid the said xiiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris foirsaid, concerning the thrid of the said abbey of Halyruidhous in all the circumstances thairof, and of new decernis and ordanis the samyne to be keipit and observit to the said Adame, bischope of Orknay, commendatare foirsaid, and that the said thrid of Halyruidhous salbe bruikit, efter the forme and tennour of the said ordinance, retreittand and rescindand quhatsumevir assignationis maid to the ministeris contrair the tennour of the claus and provisioun foirsaid, with all sentences and decreittis quhatsumevir following thairupoun, notwithstanding ony act maid in this present parliament or at ony tyme befoir the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, f.14v-15r.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.