The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 8 November 2024
Anent mansis and gleibis in cathedrall and abbey kirkis
2Oure soverane lord, with avise of the estaittis of this present parliament, statutes and ordanis that the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent mansis and gleibis to be gevin to ministeris of Goddis haly evangell within this realme salbe understand and extendit to all abbayes and cathedrall kirkis within this realme quhair na ather mans nor gleib pertening to persone or vicare wes of befoir, sua that the ministeris presentlie admittit or quhilkis heirefter salhappin to be admittit to the office or cure of the ministrie within the said kirk salhaif ane sufficient mans and duelling place within the precinct of the abbay quhair he servis, togidder with four aikeris of land of the best and maist commodious lyand contigue and maist ewest to the said mans, quhilk pertenis, or in ony tyme of befoir pertenit, to the said abbey or ony member thairof, quhether the samyn land ly within the said precinct or outwith the same, gif thair be samekle as may extend to the quantitie of four aikeris to be designit, inhabite, occupiet, laubourit, manurit, conforme to the tennour of the actis of parliament maid of befoir anent mans and gleibis to be gevin to the ministeris of Goddis word within this realme, with speciall provisioun that it salbe in the optioun of the abbattis, priouris and utheris prelattis and personis quhatsumevir, fewaris of the saidis cathedrall and abbay places, ather to graunt ane mans to the minister within the precinct of thair place or ellis ane sufficient mans lyand als ewest and commodious to the parroche kirk.
- NAS, PA2/14, ff.11v-12r.
- Written in margin: 'V'.