Act in favouris of the inhabitantis of Edinburgh that had contractis or obligationis of the personis foirfaltit

2Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, for the gude and thankfull service done to him be the provest, baillies and communitie of the burgh of Edinburgh, and esteming the same now worthie to be rememberit to the effect that thay and thair successouris may the better continew thair affectioun in his hienes service, his majestie and estaittis of this present parliament hes declarit, decernit and ordanit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis, decernis and ordanis for his hienes and his successouris that the proces fencement and dome of foirfaltour led and gevin in this present parliament contrair the personis quhilkis ar convict of tressoun and lesemajestie aganis his hienes for the crymes committit be thame contenit in the proces and domes of foirfaltour respective led aganis thame, sall na wayes be hurtfull to ony of the burgess or inhabitantis of the said burgh of Edinburgh in ony landis or annuelrentis annaliet to thame be ony of the personis now foirfaltit, or thair predecessouris under reversioun, bot that thay, thair airis and successouris sall bruik the landis or annuelrentis quhill the redemptioun thairof, and that oure soverane lord and his successouris and utheris quha salhappin to obtene infeftment of the saidis landis be the said foirfaltour ar and salbe astrictit and oblist to infeft the saidis personis, haifand the saidis wadsettis of new efter the forme and tennour of thair former infeftmentis and contractis; and that thay sall stand in thair saidis richtis of the wadsettis foirsaidis, siclike and in the samyn maner as gif the personis annalieris had nevir bene foirfaltit, providing alwayes that thir presentis be not prejudiciall to the act maid in favouris of George, erle Merschell etc., berand that quhasoevir sall obtene the escheit of foirfaltour of Maister Johnne Colvile, sumtyme of Strarudie, his landis, roumes and possessionis, salbe oblist to mak the said erle and Maister James Wardlaw, his cessioner and assignay, payment of the soume of thrie thowsand ane hundreth fiftie sex merkis money for the caus thairin specifiet, as the same at mair lenth proportis; provyding alsua that the saidis inhabitantis of Edinburgh haldand of ony of the saidis personis foirfaltit or having thame bound be contract or obligatioun to mak infeft or pay annuelrent, compone with his hienes thesaurare for thair new infeftmentis, presentationis or confirmationis betuix and the first day of August nixtocum, utherwayes the benefite grantit to thame be the said act of parliament to be ineffectuall to thame thairefter.

  1. NAS, PA2/14, ff.9r-v.
  2. Written in margin: 'P'.