Act in favour of the town of Polwart

2Oure soverane lord, remembring how cairfull his majesties maist noble progenitouris has bene in appoynting of particulair fairis and mercat dayes to be yeirly haldin in certane townis and places within this realme, maist necessare to the commoun wealth thairof and inhabitantis within the samyn, quhairto his majestie, bering the lyk gude will and considering how necessare it is to haif tua particulair fairis and mercate dayes to be sett and assignit ilk yeir in the toun of Polwart, within the schirefdome of Berwick, for bying and selling of nolt, scheip, cornis, guidis and utheris accustmat to be cost and sauld within the saidis boundis, to the greit proffeit and commoditie of the inhabitantis within the same and utheris resortand to the said toun for bying and selling of the saidis guidis, quha man be ressett and interteneit upone thair expensis within the said town, quhilk lyis in the maist commodious and frequent pairt within the said schirefdome; quhairfoir oure soverane lord, with avise of the thrie estaittis of this present parliament, hes prescrivit, appoyntit and assignit and, be the tennour heirof, prescrivis, appoyntis and assignis tua severall and particulair fairis and mercat dayes to be haldin yeirlie in the said town of Polwart, viz., the ane thairof upoun the tuentie four day of August and the uther upone the threttene of Januar, to be callit and namit in all tyme cuming the fair dayes of the said town of Polwart, sua that all his hienes lieges may resort and repair thairto for bying and selling of all sic guidis and merchandise; and ordinis lettrez to be direct heirupone for publicatioun of the premisis within the saidis boundis in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.151r.
  2. 'P' written in margin.