The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 November 2024
Act in favour of the toun of Anstruther
2Oure soverane lord, understanding that in the parliament haldin in December, the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir fyve yeiris, thair wes ane act maid erecting the toun of Anstruther in ane frie burgh regall, with all privileges belanging thairto, quhilkis privileges the inhabitantis thairof haif bruikit, conforme to thair said libertie, and ar maist willing to contribute and beir siclyk charges for thair part pro rata as uther frie burghis of ryalities having the lyk immunities grantit to thame; thairfoir his hienes, with advise of the estaittis of this present parliament, considering how proffittable the said erectioun hes bene to the commoun weill and lieges of this realme, specialie to the burrowis thairof in paying of extentis and impostis with thame, hes thairfoir creatit, erectit and confermit the said burgh of Anstruther in ane frie burgh royall, with all privilegeis, liberties and immunities grantit thairto to be bruikit be the present inhabitantis within the same and thair successouris in all tyme heirefter alsfrelie as ony uther frie burgh of ryaltie is within this realme, quhilk ratificatioun oure said soverane lord and thrie estaittis foirsaidis declairis be thir presentis sall nawayes be prejudiciall nor hurtfull to the rychtis of uther baronis.3
- NAS, PA2/13, ff.143r-v.
- 'P' written in margin.
- Sic. This seems to have been written in error, instead of burghs.