Act in favour of Maister James Halyburtoun

2Oure soverane lord, efter his hienes perfite aige of xxj yeiris compleit, with advise of the thre estaittis of this present parliament, ratifies, apprevis and confirmis the gift and dispositioun maid of befoir be oure soverane lordis derrest moder to Maistir James Halyburtoun, provest of Dundie, of all and haill the toun and lands of Clin, with the place, yairdis, orcheardis, medowis, cornis, croftis, milne and aikeris adjacent to the toun of Clin, with the wod and perk thairof, with the scheip steidingis adjacent and pertening thairto, callit the Manis Hill and Pettevie, and als to the toun and landis of Ovir and Nether Durdries, with all thair pertinentis, lyand within the schirefdome of Perth, quhilkis wer sumtyme ane pairt of the patirimonie of Scone and wer disponit to the said Maistir James for all the dayes of his lyvetyme, with all pointis, articles and claussis specifiit thairin. And furder, oure soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, efter his hienes generall revocatioun, gevis, grantis and disponis the said pensioun to the said Maistir James for all the dayes of his lyvetyme, with power to him to brouk and joise the saidis landis and uthers befoir specifiit alsfrelie in all respectis as ony lyfrentair dois within this realme.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.126r-v.
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin.