Act in favour of Walter, commendatair of Blantyre, kepare of the privie seill

2Forsamekle as notwithstanding proces and dome of foirfaltour wes led and gevin aganis Maistir Archibald Dowglas, persone of Glasgw, for certane crymes contenit in the said processe, and that the said Maistir Archibald is nawyse restoirit be parliament, and nevirtheles, oure soverane lord hes be his lettres grantit unto him the benefeit of his pacificatiounis befoir, quhilk gave occasioun to his hienes servitour, Walter, commendatour of Blantyre, keipare of his hienes privie seill, to deall with him in divers takkis, assedationis and utheris securities upoun the fruitis, teyndschaves and utheris proffittis of the personage of Glasgw, quha hes maid finall end with him upoun the saidis securities bona fide, takand him to be fullelie ressavit in oure soverane lordis favour; thairfoir, oure said soverane lord and his thre estaittis in parliament, nawyse willing that the said commendatair salbe onywayes prejudgeit in the saidis takkis, assedationis and utheris securities maid to him of the teyndis, fruitis and deweties of the said personage, bot that the samin sall stand firme, suir and stable to him in tyme cuming, decernis and ordanis the saidis takkis, assedationis and utheris securities quhatsumever maid be the said Maistir Archibald to the said commendatour at ony tyme preceiding the dait heirof to stand in full force, strent and effect, and that the said commendatour, his airis and assignais sall brouk and joyse the teindscheves and utheris dewties specifiit thairin efter the forme, tennour and conditionis contenit in the samyn, notwithstanding ony questioun that may be opponit be ressoun of the estait of the said Maistir Archibald, his persoun or ony uther maner of way. And further, oure soverane lord and his thre estaittis decernis, statuitis and ordanis that nather the said Maistir Archibald him selff nor na uther providit at ony tyme befoir, or that heirefter salbe providit to the said personage, salbe hard to impugne the saidis takkis, assedationis and utheris abonespecifiit mair nor gif the said Maistir Archibald wer fullelie restoirit in this present parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.123v.
  2. 'P' written in margin.