Protestatioun of Johnne Chalmer of Troquhane for [...] Chalmer, relict of umquhill James Boyd, archiebischop of Glasgw

2The quhilk day, in presence of the kingis majestie and thre estaitis of parliament, compeirit persounally Johnne Chalmer of Troquhane and thair, in name and behalff of [...] Chalmer, relict of umquhill James Boyd, archiebischop of Glasgw, protestit solempnitly that the benefite and favour of restitutioun grantit in this present parliament to James Betoun, archiebischope of Glasgw sall onnawyse be hurtfull or prejudiciall to hir and hir bairnis anent thair richtis and titillis of quhatsumever landis or possessionis of the patrimony of the archiebischoprik of Glasgw or utherwyse, nochtwithstanding the act of ratificatioun of the pacificatioun, restitutioun and abolitioun past generally in this present parliament; and thairupoun askit actis and instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.111v.
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin.