Ratificatioun of the pacificatioun, restitutioun and abolitioun grantit to oure soverane lordis liegis at divers parliamentis befoir etc.

2Oure soverane lord, of his naturall dispositioun, being at all tymes maist cairfull to unit the haill hairtis of his subjectis, that his nobilitie, estaitis and commoun people at all tymes micht be the mair bent in his service for the avancement of the realme, hes in guid effect declairit his intentioun nawyis to enriche his crown with the damnage of his subjectis, nor that ony of thame aganis utheris for ony variance fallin out in his hienes minoritie and les age suld have ony maner of stryff heirefter, quhairfoir his hienes and his thre estaittis in his parliament haldin at Linlythgw, in the great hall of the palice thairof, the tent day of December the yeir of God jM vC lxxxv yeiris, for great and wechtie considerationis tending to the generall peax and quietnes within this realme, retreitit, rescindit and reducit quhatsumever procesis and domes of foirfaltour, sentences criminall and penall, led and gevin aganis quhatsumevir personis for the allegit offensis contenit in the saidis procesis and sentences and for quhatsumever utheris causis and allegit crymes done or that micht be allegit to have bene committit sen his majesties coronatioun, or that ar contenit in the saidis sentences of foirfaltour led sen his majesties coronatioun, at quhat tyme soever the saidis crymes ar allegit to be committit befoir, with all that followit or may follow thairupoun; be the quhilk restitutioun, the saidis personis forfaltit, denuncit rebellis and put to the horne, or that wer ony utherwyis trublit, sa monie of thame that wer depairtit this lyff, wer, be oure said soverane and his saidis thre estaitis, fullelie reponit and restoirit in integrum to thair landis, heretages, rowmes, possesionis, benefices, pensionis, offices, and to thair honour, dignitie and fame, siclyk and in the samyn maner as gif the saidis sentences had never bene gevin. And forder, our said soverane lord, with avise of his saidis thre estaittis of parliament, be ane generall abolitione dischargeit all actionis, criminall and penall, quhilk micht be competent to his hienes selff for his awin properentres, as als that mycht result betuix his subjectis of quhatsumevir qualitie upoun ony commoun caus of miscontentment of the estait offerit in his hienes minoritie and les aige, as in the saidis generall actis of restitutioun, pacificatioun and abolitioun at mair lenth is contenit, quhilkis actis and constitutionis of parliament, and everie ane of thame, oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaittis of this present parliament have of new advisedlie sene and considerit its every point and circumstance thairof, and findis and declairis the samin to have bene and to be maid for the weill of oure soverane lord, the preservatioun of his estait and for maist just, necessar and proffitable causis to the haill realme and for the quietnes of all his hienes lieges; and thairfoir, his hienes and thre estaittis of this present parliament hes ratifiet, apprevit and affermit, lyk as oure said soverane lord, with avise of his saidis thrie estaittis be thir presentis, for him selff and his successouris, ratifies, affermis and perpetuallie apprevis the same act of restitutioun, pacificatioun and abolitioun of the dait abonespecifiit in all pointis, headis, articles, claussis and circumstances thairof, without ony maner of exceptioun, ather of personis or crymes (except as salbe exceptit in this present act). And forder, be the auctoritie of this present parliament, our said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thre estaitis, efter his perfite aige as said is, of new reducis, rescindis, casis and annullis all and sindrie the saidis domes of forfaltour, sentences criminall and penall, all infeftmentis and dispositionis of landis, heretages, rentis, offices and benefices proceiding thairupoun and that micht or may be comprehendit under the said generall restitutioun, pacificatioun and abolitioun maid at Lynlithgw the tyme foirsaid, or that may be comprehendit in the first pacificatioun concluidit at Perth, the xxiij day of Februar the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeiris, ratifiit and apprevit in the parliament haldin thairefter at Halyruidhous, the last day of Aprile the yeir of God jM vC lxxiij yeiris; quhilkis, and every particle, oure said soverane lord and his thre estaitis haldis as expressit heirin and ordanis the same to haif full effect and force sen the returne of umquhile the quene, his majesties derrest moder, in this realme upoun the nyntene day of August, the yeir of God jM vC thriescoir ane yeiris, to be at lenth insert in this present act gif neid be.

And mairower, our said soverane lord, to put all his liegis in full assurance, with advise of his saidis thrie estaittis of parliament, have retreitit and rescindit and, be the tennour heirof, retreitis and rescindis all and sindrie procesis of foirfaltour led aganis quhatsumevir personis fra the day of the arryving of oure soverane lordis umquhile derrest moder within this realme, quhilk wes upoun the nyntene day of August, the yeir of God jM vC thriescoir ane yeiris, to the day of his hienes coronatioun, and declairis the same to be of nane availl, force nor effect with all that followit or may follow thairupoun, except the speciale procesis and sentences of foirfaltour efter specifiit, quhilk sall remane and abide in thair awin force, notwithstanding the premisis: thay ar to say, James, sumtyme erle Bothuill, James Ormestoun, sumtyme of that Ilk, and all utheris yit onlyve quha hes bene foirfaltit for airt and pairt of the murthour of his hienes umquhile derrest fader.

Exceptand alsua the crymes underwrittin committit be quhatsumever persoun or personis, to wit, wilfull murthouris or slauchteris, fyre rasing, birning of cornis and housis, hoching of oxin, breking of plewis, oppressionis, spuilyeis, ejectionis, intrusionis and all uther actionis and suitis, criminall and civile, quhatsumever proceding betuix persoun and personis upoun thair particuler motionis or interesse and not following, not depending upoun the commoun causis quhairupoun miscontentment fell out upoun the governament and estait.

Exceptand alsua the crymes underwrittin, to wit, thift, incest, witchecraft, revesing of wemen, striking, inbringing, and outputting of fals cunye, menslauchter in housis, in the hie way or passage or beside the same, not depending upoun the commoun caus, as said is. And als, reservand to oure soverane lord his thesaurair, comptrollair and collectour generall and utheris, his officiaris, thair suitis and actionis for his hienes propertie, casualities and thriddis of benefices restand to his hienes and for quhatsumever jowellis, abuilyementis, guidis, movable and unmovable pertening to his hienes derrest moder or to him selff.

And als exceptand all utheris crymes, actionis, materis, claussis and offensis betuix privat parties upoun thair awin privat causis, nawayes proceding and following upoun the saidis commoun causis, quhilkis ar nawayes meanit to be comprehendit in this act; and thairfoir it salbe lauchfull for the pairties that ar offendit to persew thair actionis thairanent alsfrelie as thai micht have done befoir quhatsumever act or constitutioun maid in the contrair notwithstanding.

And siclyk oure said soverane lord and thrie estaittis in parliament hes rescindit, reducit, callit, retreittit and annullit and, be the tennour heirof, rescindis, reducis, casis, retreittis and annullis all and sindrie renunciationis, translationis of richt, dispositionis of landis, rowmes, heretages and possesionis, offices, benefices or utheris guidis and geir quhatsumevir maid be quhatsumever personis foirfaltit sen oure soverane lordis coronatioun, the saidis procesis of foirfaltour standand aganis thame and befoir they wer fullelie restoirit, contrair the samin, or be quhatsumevir persoun or personis quhilkis wer summoned to be foirfaltit, and, for feir of the saidis summoundis and sentence to follow thairupoun, maid ony renunciatioun, translatioun, richt, title or dispositioun of ony thair landis, rowmes, possessionis, heretages, offices and benefices to quhatsumever persoun or personis with all obligationis maid be thame, thair cautioneris and souirties quhatsumevir, be the quhilkis thai war bund and oblist to warrand thair saidis renunciationis, translationis and dispositionis and nevir to cum in contrair thairof.

And siclyk oure said soverane lord, with avise of the saidis thre estaittis of parliament, retreitis, rescindis, casis and annullis all bandis and obligationis maid be quhatsumever personis quhilkis war trublit for the said commoun cause or ony occasioun following or fallin out thairupoun to quhatsumever personis quhilkis inditit or dilaitit thame of crymes and offensis, socht and procuirit thair foirfaltouris or deprivatioun fra thair offices or benefices, or the escheit of thair movable guidis, and for eschewing of that inconvenient wer movit to gif the personis quhilkis trublit thame obligationis of sowmes of money or to do ony uther gude deid for saulftie of thame fra the saidis grittare inconvenientis at that tyme; and decernis and declairis that the pincipall pairtie, thair cautioneris and souirties foirsaidis, thair airis, executouris, successouris and assignais ar and salbe in tyme cuming acquite and frie of the foirsaidis contractis, bandis, obligationis and all actioun and penaltie that may follow thairupoun; and thir tua claussis to extend to all thingis done sen his majestie acceptit the governament of the realme in his awin persoun allanerlie, providing alwayes that sic as ar exceptit fra the benefite of this present act quhais names ar befoir declairit salhave na benefite of this provisioun, bot the renunciationis, translationis, rychtis and dispositionis maid be thame to stand in thair awin strenth, force and effect.

Be it alwayes understand that notwithstanding the restitutioun of Johne, bischope of Ross, conforme to the generall act, oure soverane lord, with avise of his thre estaittes, will and grantis that James, erl of Gowrie, and Dame Dorathe Stewart, his moder and tutrix, brouk and possess the teindis of the parrochin of Tarbert, conforme to thair tak, ay and quhill thai be satisfeit thairfoir at his majesties sicht and his chancellairis; and siclyk that Williame Keyth sall brouke his pensioun to the tyme he be satisfeit, as is befoir said, or that his majesties will be declairit heiranent.

Be it alwayes understand that albeit Williame, bischope of Dunblane be comprehendit under the act of generall restitutioun, that notwithstanding the same sall nawayes be extendit in his favour quhill he have satisfeit Johnne, erle of Montrois, Alexander, maister of Levingstoun, and utheris, the saidis erllis freindis, be the sicht of his majestie, his chancellair, justice clerk and Schir Robert Mailvile, thesaurair depute.

Item, our soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis in this present parliament, hes declairit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis that the benefite of pacificatioun, restitutioun and abolitioun maid and grantit in favouris of Johnne Mosman, goldsmyth and burges of Edinburgh, at ony tyme heirtofoir, or that salhappin to be maid and grantit in his favouris at ony tyme heirefter, sall nawayes be extendit to the landis of Langhermiestoun, Curry and milne thairof, nor to na annuelrentis furth of the samyn quhilkis pertenit to the said umquhile James Mosman, lyand within the schirefdome of Edinburgh principall, bot that the saidis landis, annuelrentis and utheris abonewrittin, with thair pertinentis, sall appertene to oure said soverane lord and his hienes successouris as fallin and becum in his hienes handes throw the proces and dome of foirfaltour led and deducit aganis the said umquhile James Mosman, goldsmyth, to be usit and disponit be his hienes and his successouris in all tym cuming at his plesir, notwithstanding quhatsumeur pacificatioun, restitutioun, abolitioun or uther act of parliament grantit or to be grantit that may be extendit or interpreit in the contrair, quhilkis oure said soverane lord in that part expreslie revokis, casis and declairis to be null and of nane avaiil. Lyk as his hienes, with avise foirsaid, revoikis, casis and annullis all infeftmentis, giftis, dispositionis maid be his hienes of the saidis landis and annuelrentis, with thair pertinentis, to quhatsumevir persoun or personis at ony tyme heirtofoir preceidand be ressoun of the said foirfaltour or be quhatsumever uther maner of way, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun.

Item, our soverane lord, with avise of the thrie estaittis in this present parliament, hes declairit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis that the benefite of pacificatioun, restitutioun and abolitioun maid in favouris of the bairnis and airis of umquhile Patrik Quhitelaw of that Ilk at ony tyme heirtofoir, or that salhappin to be maid and grantit in thair favouris at ony tyme heirefter, sall nawayes be extendit to the landis of Eist Fentoun, commounlie callit Fentoun Toure of Oversydeserfe, with the toure, fortalice, maner places, housis, biggingis, yairdis and pertinentis of the samyn quhatsumevir, lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and schirefdome of Edinburgh, bot that the saidis landis and utheris abonewrittin, with thair pertinentis, sall pertene to his hienes and his successouris as fallin and becumin in his handis throw the proces and dome of foirfaltour led and deducit aganis the said umquhile Patrik Quhitelaw of that Ilk, to be usit and disponit be his hienes and his successouris in all tyme cuming at his plesir, notwithstanding quhatsumever pacificatioun, restitutioun, abolitioun or uther act of parliament quhatsumever grantit or to be grantit that may be extendit or interpreit in the contrair, quhilkis his hienes in that pairt expreslie revoikis, casis and declairis to be null and of nane availl. And that oure soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, revoikis, casis and annullis all infeftmentis, giftis and dispositionis maid be his hienes of the saidis landis, toure, fortalice and utheris abone writtin, with thair pertinentis, to quhatsumevir persoun or personis heirtofoir preceidand be ressoun of the said foirfaltour or be quhatsumever uther maner of way, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun.

Providing alwayes that this generall restitutioun, reductioun and annulling of foirfaltouris and generall pacificatioun sall onnawyes be extendit to ony guidis, rowmes, takkis, stedingis or possesionis presentlie appertening to Schir Walter Ogilvy of Findletter, knicht, or that wes disponit to umquhile James Ogilve of Findletter, his guidschir, be the foirfaltour of umquhile Schir Johnne Gordoun of Deskfurde, knicht, ather haldin of his hienes and his successouris or of quhatsumever uther superiouris be his hienes or his predicessouris lettres of presentatioun direct to thame, bot that the saidis infeftmentis sall stand in full forme, force and effect to the said Schir Walter and his airis in all tyme cuming, conforme to the tennouris thairof and conforme to the decreit arbitrall gevin betuix George, erle of Huntlie, guidschir to George, now erle of Huntlie, and the said umquhile Schir Johnne Gordoun of Deskfurde, knicht, his sone, with consent of the said George, erle of Huntlie, his fader, as lauchfull administratour to him, on that ane pairt, and the said umquhile James Ogilvy of Findletter, guidschir to the said Schir Walter Ogilvy of Findletter, knicht, on that uther pairt, be umquhile Marie, quene dowriar and regent of this realme, and certane noble and honorable personis chosin be the saidis pairties, off the dait the xxj day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC lvj yeiris; and alsua ane uther decreit arbitrall gevin betuix umquhile George, erle of Huntlie that last deceissit, Adame Gordoun of Auchindown, his bruther, and the said James Ogilvy of Findletter, be certane honorable jugeis chosin be the saidis pairties and umquhile the quene, oure soverane lordis derrest moder, as odwoman and overwomen, of the dait the xxiij day of Merche the yeir of God jM vC lxvj yeiris, and registrat in the buikis of counsall the xviij day of Aprile nixt thairefter, and conforme to the ratificatioun of the saidis decreitis maid be Maistir James Gordoun, fader bruther to George, now erle of Huntlie, of the dait at Elgin, the xxvij day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvj yeiris, and registrat in the buikis of counsall the tent day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxvij yeiris; the quhilkis decreittis and ratificatioun thairof foirsaid, togidder with the saidis infeftmentis grantit to the said umquhile James Ogilvy of Findletter, oure soverane lord and thre estaitis in parliament ratifies, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis in all pointis, swa that the said Schir Walter Ogilvy, now of Findletter, and his airis may peceably bruik and joyse all landis, heretages, baronies, offices, takkis, stedingis, rowmes, possessionis, milnis, multuris, fischeingis, woddis, forrestis and utheris quhatsumevir contenit and specifiit in the saidis infeftmentis, or the saidis decreittis arbitrall, or that he presentlie possesis and broukis, or in the quhilkis he is onyways infeft, quhilk may be annullit or takin away be the annulling of the said fairfaltour, notwithstanding this present act and alsfrelie [and] peceablie in all respectis as the said act had not bene gevin and grantit.

Oure soverane lord and thrie estaittis of parliament ratifies and apprevis the act maid of befoir in the parliament haldin at Linlythgw, in the great hall of the palace thairof, the tent day of December the yeir of God jM vC lxxxv yeiris, tueching the decreit of redemptioun of the landis of Woddislie, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the schirefdome of Edinburgh, and utheris contenit in the said decreit be Schir Lues Ballenden of Auchnoull, knicht, justice clerk to oure soverane lord, as the said decreit in it selff at mair lenth proportis, in all claussis, heidis and circumstances of the samin, notwithstanding ony act or constitutioun, generall or particulair, maid in this present parliament in the contrair.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.109r-111r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Sections are numbered in APS, but not in the manuscript.