The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Annexatioun of the temporalities of benefices to the crown
2Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament, perfitelie understanding the greitest pairt of his proper rent to haif bene gevin and disponit of auld to abbayis, monasteries and utheris personis of clergy, quhairby the crown hes bene sa greitly hurte that thairefter his maist noble progenitouris had not sufficient meanis to beir furth the honour of thair estait as thai had befoir, quhilk hes bred sindrie inconvenientis within this realme; and seing the causis of the disolutioun of the patrimonie of the croun to the kirk efter the trewth knawin ar fund nathir necessar nor proffitable, and that be mony occasionis, throw a lang process of tyme, the derth hes sa gritlie increscit, not onlie in this realme bot in all cuntries, that the princes chairges ar not able to be uphaldin be that part of the patrimonie quhilk now restis in his handis; and his hienes, for the grite luif and favour quhilk he beiris to his subjectis, being nawayes myndit to greve thame with importable taxationis, specialie for his royall [...]porte, it is fund maist meit and expedient that he salhave recourse to his awin patrimonie disponit of befoir (the cause of the dispositioun now ceissing) as ane help maist honourable in respect of him selff and leist grevous to his people and subiectis; and thairfoir, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of parliament, be the force of this present act, haif unit, annext and incorporat and unitis, annexes and incorporates to the crown of this realme, to remane thairwith as annext and as it wer propirtie thairof in all tyme cuming, and with oure said soverane lord and his successouris for ever, all and sindrie landis, lordschippis, baronies, castellis, touris, fortalices, mansionis, maner places, milnis, multuris, woddis, schawes, parkis, fischeingis, townis, villages, burrowis in regalitie and baronie, annuelrentis, tenementis, reversionis, custumes, greit and small, fewfermes, tennentis, tennendries and service of frie tennentis, and all and sindrie utheris commodities, proffittis and emolumentis quhatsumevir, alsweill to burgh as to land (except as heirefter salbe exceptit in this present act), quhilkis at the day and dait of thir presentis, viz., the tuentie nyne day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourescoir sevin yeiris, pertenis to quhatsumevir archibischope, bischop, abbot, priour, prioresse, quhatsumevir uther prelate, uther ecclesiasticall or beneficit persoun of quhatsumevir estait, degrie, hie or law, and at the day and dait of thir presentis pertenis to quhatsumevir abbey, convent, closter, quhatsumevir ordour of freris or nunis, monkis or channonis, howsoevir thai be nameit, and to quhatsumevir college kirk foundit for chantorie and singing, or to quhatsumevir prebendarie or chaiplanrie quhairevir they ly or be situate within this realme and dominion thairof; and siclike all and sindrie commoun landis bruikit be chaptouris of cathedrall, kirkis and chantorie colleges as commoun and quhairof the saidis chaptouris haif bene in possessioun befoir in commountie, to be in all tymes heireftir taken, haldin and reput as it wer the propertie and patrimonie of the croun, to remane thairwith in all tym cuming efter the forme, tennour and ordour of the act of annexatioun maid in the tyme of oure soverane lordis maist noble predicessour, King James the Secund, and according to all claussis, conditionis and circumstances thairof, quhilk in all pointis is haldin for expressit in this present act. And als it is statute and ordanit that the executioun of this act in levying of the proffittis sall begin and tak effect at the terme of Mertimes nixtocum, that oure said soverane lord may ressave the rentis and deweties of the said terme, and sua furth to continew in tyme cuming. And becaus it is not ressounable that efter the said annexatioun of the saidis temporall landis to the croun the saidis prelattis and ecclesiasticall personis be burdenit with ony taxationis for and inrespect of the saidis annext landis, his majestie and the estaitis of this present parliament hes remittit the ordour to be takin for thair releif in that behalf to certane personis to quhome the ordour of the generall taxatioun of all landis within this realme is committit, quhilk ordour to be takin, salbe observit in all tyme cuming and the heretable posesouris of the saidis landis and utheris addettit in taxationis sall pay thair tax according thairto. And forder, it is declairit, decernit, statute and ordanit be oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of parliament that incaise ony of the saidis prelattis or personis ecclesiasticall quhais temporall landis ar properlie comprehendit in the said annexatioun salbe heireftir callit and persewit at the instance of quhatsumevir personis for warrandice of ony of the saidis kirklandis sett in few or tak be thame or thair predicessouris to divers personis be occasioun of dowble infeftmentis or assedationis ar for quhatsumevir uthir cause, thay and thair successouris sall nawyis be obleist to warrand the samin bot for thair awin deid, to wit, quhan the warrandice proceidis and takis occasioun upoun double infeftmentis or assedationis of ane land, bayth proceiding from ane persoun, disponer thairof, yit onlyff, in quhilk caise allanerlie thai salbe oblist as said is. It is alsua concluidit, statute and ordanit be oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament that the said annexatioun salhave full strenth, force and effect in all lordschippis, baroneis, tennendries and utheris temporall landis quhilk pertenit to ony prelacie or uther benefice possessit befoir be quhatsumevir prelate or ecclesiasticall persoun aganis quhome proces of foirfaltour or barratrie hes bene led at ony tyme sen our said soverane lordis coronatioun, albeit thai haif bene in ony parliament befoir or salbe now at his present parliament or heireftir fullelie restoirit aganis the saidis sentences, and procesis and thair restitutioun salhave na effect aganis the said annexatioun, bot the said annexatioun salhave effect aganis thame; notwithstanding the said restitutioun, it salbe alwyse lauchfull to our said soverane lord in his awin tyme to sett in fewferme quhatsumevir the saidis kirklandis quhilkis wer not sett in fewferme befoir, gif ony be. And siclyk, gif ony infeftmentis of fewferme of the saidis landis now annext quhilkis wer sett in fewferme befoir salhappin to be retreitit and reduceit for the ressonis and causis heireftir expressit, quhairin his hienes and his successouris sall only be hard to querrell and clame, it salbe lauchfull to his hienes in his awin tyme, as said is, to sett the samin in fewferme, notwithstanding the said annexatioun; and to the effect foirsaid, the said provisioun sall serve for a sufficient dissolutioun in that behalf and his hienes and his thre estaitis foirsaidis dissolvis the samin in that pairt. And siclike it salbe lauchfull to oure said soverane lord to use the superioritie and fewfermes of the landis of Tullois, the milne of Craquhy, milne landis and suckin of the samynn, the landis of Corstoun, quhilkis pertenit to the abbacie of Abirbrothok, lyand within the sherefdome of Forfar and regality of Abirbrothok, as sall seme gude to his hienes, and that the conversioun of the victuall in money or diminutioun of the rentale salbe na cause of reductioun of the infeftment, the said annexatioun ar any clause or conditioun thairin contenit notwithstanding. Further, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaittis of parliament hes declairit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis, decernis and ordanis that the landis, lordschippis and baroneis underwrittin erectit be his hienes in temporall lordschippis and baronies befoir the dait of this present act, quhilk is the tuentie nyne day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, ar not, nor sall not, be comprehendit in the said annexatioun, excluiding the samin alluterlie thairfra, to remane with the personis to quhome thai wer first disponit, efter the forme and tennour of thair infeftmentis maid to thame thairof: thay ar to say, the landis and lordschip of Torphechin; the erldome of Gowrie; the lordschip and leving of Deir, now callit the lordschip of Altrie; the landis and baronies of Newbotle, with the utheris landis annext thairto; the baronies of Brochtoun and Kerss; the burgh of the Cannogait and ane pairt of the toun of Leyth; the baronie of Alhammer, als callit Quhytkirk, quhilkis of befoir pertenit to the abbacie of Halyruidhous; the landis and lordschip of Mussilburgh, quhilkis of befoir pertenit to the abbay of Dumfermling, quhilkis landis and lordschippis ar disponit to divers personis as thair particulare infeftmentis beiris; and als exceptit the haill remanent landis of the abbay of Dumfermling, declairit as yit to abyd with the said abbay in the same estait quhairin thai than wer, and ar not comprehendit in the annexatioun foirsaid, bot to remane with the said abbay quhill forder ordour be takin; as alsua exceptit furth of the said annexatioun of kirklandis to the croun the infeftment of the temporalitie3 of Paislay and the priorie of Pluscardin and temporalitie thairof. It is alwayis providit and oure said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis in parliament, declairis that notwithstanding the said annexatioun is appoyntit to tak effect in maner foirsaid at the feist of Mertimes nixtocum, nevirtheles, Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, commendatair of the abbacie of Abirbrothok, sall bruik the fructis, proffittis and dewties of the said abbay during his lyftyme in the samin maner as he did befoir, except the proffittis of the landis of Craquhy and milne thairof, the landis of Tullois and Corstoun, fewfermes and dewties of the same, for the quhilkis he salbe recompanceit according to the generall ordour to be takin with the remanent ecclesiasticall personis quhais rent is pairit be the said annexatioun, according to the act and ordinance maid thairupone. In lykmaner, oure soverane lord, with avise of his saidis thrie estaittis, ratifies and apprevis the gift and dispositioun maid be his hienes to Johne Bothuell, sone lauchfull to Adame, bischope of Orknay, of the abbacie of Halyruidhouse and haill fructis thairof, with the haill fredomes, jurisdictionis, liberties, rentis, proventis and emolumentis of the samin, with the haill reservationis, claussis, conditionis and circumstances of the same efter the tennour thairof, as the same of the dait the tent day of December, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxij yeiris beiris, declaring the same to be sufficient and valiable to him for brouking and josing of the said benefice and haill fructis thairof induring his lyftyme, notwithstanding quhatsumever actis, constitutionis or lawes, civill or municipall, maid in the contrair, dispensand thairwith and effect thairof; and that this present ratificatioun be als sufficient as gif the said gift and dispositioun had bene exceptit in speciale in the saidis actis or ony of thame, and this alwayes to be without dirogatioun of the act of annexatioun of the temporalities of benefices to the croun or of quhatsumevir richtis and titles maid be thame or ather of thame in favouris of quhatsumever personis, quhilk by this his hienes menis nawayes to prejudge, bot the samyn to stand ratifiet and apprevit in thair full strenth and force as gif thai wer specialie mentionat heirin. It is alwayes understand, lyk as oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaittis declairis, that under the said annexatioun or ony claus heirin specifiet, the teyndscheves and utheris teyndis of quhatsumever landis within this realme pertening to ony persounage or vicarage ar not, nor sall not, be comprehendit, except quhair the teynd and stok is sett togidder, as is heirefter declairit, bot that the samin sall remane with the present possessouris having richt thairto and quha salhave richt to the samyn heirefter, notwithstanding the said annexatioun or ony generall claussis thairin specifiit, quhilkis sall nawayes be extendit to the saidis teyndis mair nor gif the said annexatioun had never bene maid; reservand alwayes and exceptand to all archibischoppis, bischoppis, abbottis, priouris, prioreses, commendatairis and utheris possessouris of greit benefices of the estait of prelattis and quhilkis befoir had, or hes, voit in parliament, thair principall castles, fortalices, houses and mansionis, with the biggingis and yairdis thairof, as thai ly and ar situat within the precinctis and clausuris of thair places, quhilkis sall remane with thame and thair successouris heirefter for thair residence and habitatioun, notwithstanding the said annexatioun quhilk sall nawayes include the samin, bot the samyn castles, houses, mansionis and utheris immediatlie befoir rehersit sall abyd in the same estait quhairin they wer befoir the said annexatioun, but prejudice or hurte to be meanit or intendit to the saidis prelattis or ony utheris personis that may have or justlie pretend richt thairto, provyding alwayes they keip and mantene the samin in the estate quhairin they presentlie ar. Exceptand alsua furth of the said annexatioun all and quhatsumever mansionis of persounages and vicarages annext to parroche kirkis, with four aikeris of the gleib maist ewest to the kirk and commodious for the minister serving the cuir thairof, for his better residence, that quhilkis sall not be nor ar not comprehendit in the said annexatioun, bot sall remane with the minister, persone or vicare or uther quha salbe providit thairto for serving of the cuir according to the actis of parliament maid thairanent of befoir; exceptand in lykmaner all and sindrie landis, proffittis, tenementis, annuelrentis, teyndscheves and utheris emolumentis and proffittis quhatsumevir gevin, granttit and disponit for intertenement of maisteris and studentis in colleges erectit for exercise of lerning and for grammer scuillis and for sustentatioun of ministeris makand thair residence in burrowis quhair thair is na uther stipend appointit to thame; and siclike exceptand and reservand all landis, teyndis, proffittis, annuelrentis and commodities quhatsumever grantit befoir the dait heirof be oure soverane lord or quhatsumever his hienes predicessouris or be quhatsumever utheris personis, to ony hospitale or masondieu within this realme and that in favouris of the puir and neidy, provyding that the same be not disponit nor applyit to ony uther use; and finallie, exceptand and excluidand furth of the said annexatioun all landis, baronies, tenementis, annuelrentis and utheris commodities quhatsumever quhilkis pertenit of befoir to quhatsumever benefice, greit or small, being of laic patronages, to the quhilkis the said annexatioun sall not be extendit nor comprehend the same, to the effect that nane of the saidis laic patronis be hurte or damnefiet thairby, and notwithstanding the said generall annexatioun of all landis, lordschippis, baronies, tenementis, annuelrentis and utheris commodities abonespecefeit (except befoir exceptit) to the crown of this realme, to remane thairwith as it wer proper patrimonie thairof in all tyme cuming. It is be this present act specialie providit that quhair the saidis landis and utheris abonespecefiit or ony pairt or portioun thairof, greit or small, ar sett in fewferme, tak and assedatioun or ar disponit in frie tennendrie in blenche, cane or for service of waird and releif or uther wayes as may stand and aggrie with the lawes of this realme, the saidis heretable frie tennentis, fewaris, takkismen and utheris richtuus titularis thairof sall brouk and injoy thair landis, lordschippis, baronies, tenementis, annuelrentis and thair uther rychtis and titles quhatsumever efter the forme and tennour of the samin in all pointis, and oure said soverane lord and his hienes successouris salbe heirefter immediat superiouris to thame, lyk as thai sall becum be vertew of this present act immediat tennentis and vassallis to his hienes and thair successouris in thair saidis lordschippis, landis and tenementis for payment of the dewtie and service contenit in thair infeftmentis, tackis and assedationis and utheris rychtis and titles thairof, in the samyn sort and maner as thai mycht haif bene oblist to the saidis ecclesiasticall persones and na utherwayes; and that be the samyn infeftmentis, tackis, rychtis and titles quhilkis the saidis posesouris hes of the samyn, they sall bruik, joise and possess thair saidis landis and it sall not be necessare to thame to alter thair saidis infeftmentis and richtis, nor to tak the samyn of new of oure soverane lord, notwithstanding the translatioun of the superioritie in his hienes. And becaus thair ar divers pensionis grantit to mony personis furth of the saidis annext landis, alsweill be the saidis prelattis and uthers ecclesiasticall personis as be oure soverane lord, the benefice vacand in his hienes handes ather throw deceis or be proces of foirfaltour or barratrie led aganis the possessour of the benefice, oure soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaittis of parliament decernis and declairis that the saidis pensioneris sall nawayes be hurt nor prejugeit in thair saidis pensionis (thay being lauchfullie providit thairto) be the said annexatioun, sua that the saidis pensioneris have bene authorizit be decreittis of the lordis of counsall or uther juges ordiner or have bene in lauchfull posessioun of thair pensionis at ony tyme preceding. It is alwayes declairit and decernit be oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaittis in parliament that in all and sindrie landis, lordschippis, tenementis, annuelrentis, utheris proffittis and commodities quhatsumever properlie comprehendit in the said annexatioun, oure said soverane lord and his successouris salhave the onlie and full richt of the superioritie of the tennendries siclyk and in the samin maner as the saidis ecclesiasticall personis had the samin of befoir, and that the airis of the present heretable possessouris in all tyme cuming sall enter be breves of oure soverane lordis chappell allanerlie, quhilkis breves salbe direct to the sheref of the schyre quhair thair wes na regalitie befoir; and quhair thair wes ony regalitie quhilk hes now ane heretable baillie or stewart, the samin salbe direct to the said baillie or stewart and thair deputis, eftir the service of the quhilk breif, the samin being retourit to oure soverane lordis chancellarie, quhidder the saidis landis ly in ryaltie or regalitie, the pairtie salhave preceptis to be seasit haldin of oure said soverane lord according to his retour be the samyn conditionis as oure said soverane lordis utheris tennentis have bene seasit be preceptis direct furth of the chancellarie of befoir, in the quhilk precept commandement salbe gevin to the sheref, stewart or baillie to quhome the samin salbe directit to tak securitie for the dewtie awand to oure said soverane lord as the cause sall require be the retour, as the custume hes bene in the kingis tennendries in tyme bipast. And becaus oure said soverane lord and his successouris ar decernit and declairit be the tennour heirof to have the full richt of the superioritie of the saidis tennendries of kirklandis, it is thairfoir statute, decernit and ordanit that his hienes and his successouris salhaif sufficient richt, actioun and entres for compelling of all and sindrie the saidis tennentis now presentlie being, and thair airis and successouris that salbe for the tyme, to pay the dewties and do the services contenit in thair infeftmentis in all tyme cuming; and incaise the claussis and conditionis of the saidis infeftmentis be contravenit, his hienes and his successouris salhaif actioun to retreit and reduce the saidis infeftmentis according to the claussis, conditionis and restrictionis specifiet thairin for ony fault, offense or contraventioun that salbe done or committit in tyme cuming allanerlie; and his hienes and his successouris sall not have actioun, title, power or richt to call ony of the saidis infeftmentis, or takkis and assedationis of ony of the saidis kirklandis quhilkis ar maid be thame quha had power to mak the samin or ony richt or title depending thairupone, in questioun, nor yit to persew the reductioun, annulling or expiring thairof, nor yit sall his hienes nor his successouris have ony maner of actioun, richt or title to retreit, reduce and annull quhatsumever infeftmentis of the saidis kirklandis, dewlie and lauchfullie confermit be him or his predicessouris, ather for diminutioun of the rentale, sua that the said diminutioun be not of the auld penny maill de liquido ad liquidum; and his majestie and his successouris sall nawayes be hard to querrell the saidis infeftmentis of fewferme for conversioun of the victuall in silver dewtie or for ony uther ressone of cause of nullitie, invaliditie, lesioun nor hurte, or be ressoun of quhatsumever law, cannon [or] municipall, statute or constitutioun, except in the caisis foirsaidis for non payment of the saidis dewties and dew services in tyme cuming according to the restrictionis contenit in the saidis infeftmentis; and als exceptand quhair oure said soverane lord and his successouris may have querrell or impreve the saidis infeftmentis gif ony of thame be fals and fenyeit, in the quhilkis caisis allanerlie his hienes and his successouris salhaif place to persew and be the tennour of this present act ar, and salbe, expreslie and continewallie excludit fra all uther actioun, caus and persute, except the caisis foirsaidis. And mairover, oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaittis of parliament, far the grittair assurance to the saidis fewaris and free tennentis, declairis that it sall not be lesum to him nor his successouris, and that his hienes nawayes menis nor intendis directlie nor indirectlie to harme or prejudge the saidis fewaris and frie tennentis, thair airis and successouris in thair rowmes and possessionis pertening to thame for ony caus, except for the speciall caus above exceptit, bot that thai sall brouk thair saidis landis, fewis and tennendries alsfrelie in all respectis for payment of the dewtie and service specifiet in thair infeftmentis as ony his lordis, baronis, fewaris and frie tennentis, quhilkis wes his immediat vassallis of auld, hes broukit and josit thair saidis landis and heretage or presentlie broukis and joysis the samyn, but ony difference heirefter. And becaus the teyndscheves and utheris small teyndis of all landis within this realme ar expreslie exceptit furth of the said annexatioun and the samyn nawayes extendit thairto, and thairby it is considerit that questioun may fall out anent the payment of the fewfermes of the kirklandis to oure soverane lord quhair in ane infeftment the landis and teyndis is sett togidder for ane dewtie and, but divisioun or distinctioun, how mekle salbe payit for the said land and how mekle for the teynd, quhilk may seme hurtfull to sic as hes the landis sett to thame with the teyndis includit and to the ecclesiasticall personis to quhome the teyndis ar reservit; for avoyding of the quhilk questioun, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaittis of parliament decernis and declairis, statuitis and ordanis that the comprehending of the saidis teyndis and including the samin with the landis sall nawayes brek oure said soverane lordis superioritie foirsaid, bot his hienes sall remane superiour to the haill tennendrie, stok and teynd efter the forme of the infeftmentis and that the richt of the said infeftment sall stand indivisable safar as concernis the halding and tennendries, bot the said ecclesiasticall persone salhaif actioun and richt to the tent penny of liquidat mailles contenit in the said infeftment, and the utheris nyne pairtis thairof sall pertene to oure soverane lord; and this to be not only of the penny maill, bot of all uther dewties that sould be payit for teynd and stok, to witt, that nyne pairtis thairof sall pertene to oure soverane lord and the tent pairt be just estimatioun sall appertene to the said ecclesiasticall persone; and that all the juges and ministeris of his lawes within this realme judge and decyd according to this statute and na utherwayes how oft as that questioun salbe movit upone the cais foirsaid. And forsamekle as thair is divers burrowis in regalitie and baronie within this realme, quhilkis wer befoir haldin immediatlie of the saidis prelattis, and haif bene in use to exerce the trade and trafficque of merchandice, to mak burgeses and to elect provestis, baillies and utheris officeris meit and necessar for the governament of thair communities, oure said soverane lord and his thrie estaittis in parliament, nawayes willing that thai salbe hurte thairin, declairis, decernis and ordanis that thai sall remane in the samin fredome and libertie quhilk thai had befoir the said annexatioun, to be haldin alwayes of oure said soverane lord in the samin maner and conditioun be the quhilk thai held thair saidis liberties of the saidis ecclesiasticall personis befoir and nawyse hurte in thair richtis and privileges; and that the ane sort and the uther be not confoundit be this present act bot remane alwayes distinct as thay wer in tyme bypast, nochtwithstanding the said annexatioun. It is alwayes providit, statute and ordanit that the provest, baillies, counsall and utheris officeris within the saidis burrowis in regalitie and baronie quhair thair wer provest and baillies of befoir, salbe yeirlie electit, chosin, deposit and alterit according to the forme and tennour of the actis of parliament maid in the dayes of oure soverane lordis maist noble predicessouris and ratifiet in divers parliamentis sen his hienes coronatioun. Further, the saidis burrowis in regalitie and baronie and all landis, tenementis and annuelrentis within the libertie of the samin quhilkis wer haldin of the saidis ecclesiasticall personis befoir, sall, fra this present, be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his successouris in cheiff, and the airis salbe enterit thairto be oure said soverane lordis breves to be direct to the saidis provest and bailiies of the saidis burrowis, and the service salbe retourit to his hienes chancellarie, upone the quhilk retour the directair sall delyver ane precept in competent and dew forme with provisioun of securitie to be takin for the mailles and dewties of the saidis landis and annuelrentis as thai salbe retourit, becaus the saidis burrowis ar not his frie burrowis regall and wer not relevit of thair nonentres at the handes of the saidis prelattis, thair superiouris, in tymes bypast; and quhair the prelat ressavit resignatioun or gave interes, that the kingis majestie sall gif it now be ordour of his chancellarie; and quhair the power wes in the handes of the baillies of the burrowis within regalities, that thai brouk and enjoy thair richt and privilege as of befoir. And becaus the saidis landis, lordschippis and baronies quhilkis befoir pertenit to the saidis archiebischoppis, bischoppis, abbottis and utheris prelattis, thair is divers oure soverane lordis lieges constitute heretable baillies and stewartis of the saidis lordschippis and regalities, quhilkis heretable baillies and stewartis oure said soverane lord intendis not to hurt be the said annexatioun, thairfoir, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of parliament declairis, decernis, statuitis and ordanis that the saidis heretable baillies and stewartis and thair airis and successouris sall now and heirefter abyd and remane in thair richt and title quhilk thai have of the saidis offices, except in the change of thair superiour in oure soverane lord and his successouris, quhilkis in all tyme heirefter salbe thair immediat superiouris, lyk as the saidis heretable baillies and stewartis salbe thair immediat tennentis and vassallis of thair saidis offices, efter the forme and tennour of thair infeftmentis and for doing of the serviee specifiet in the samyn. Further, the saidis heretable baillies and stewartis sall, notwithstanding the said annexatioun, have the samin libertie, power and jurisdictioun quhilk thai had befoir in actionis and materis civile and be the said annexatioun thair sall na forder power, jurisdictioun or auctoritie appertene to oure said soverane lordis shereffis nor accresce unto thame, bot thair said power and jurisdictioun sall remane in the samin estait limitat, as the samin is at this present, according to the ancient lawes and consuetude of this realme. And further, the said heretable stewart or baillie of the said regalitie salhaif the samyn power quhilk he had befoir to replege from the sheref or his deputtis in all causis and actionis criminall or civill, quhair replegiatioun wes grantit of befoir; and gif the said sheref and his deputis refuisis to admit the said replegiatioun, he and his deputtis salbe punissit thairfoir and his proces led in the contrair salbe of nane availl. And in causis criminall the said baillie or stewart of the regalitie salbe juge competent in all maner of crymes quhairin the lord or baillie of the regality wes accustumat to be judge in tymes bipast; and albeit oure soverane lordis justice generall, lieutennent or justice in that pairt be speciall commissioun summound the offendour, induellair of the regalitie, to compeir befoir thame to underly the law for the cryme for the quhilk he salbe dilaitit, the said baillie or stewart of the regalitie salhaif power to replege fra oure said soverane lordis justice foirsaid to his awin courte, incais he have preventit be apprehending of the offendouris persone or be his summoundis first direct and execute aganis the offendour befoir oure said soverane lordis justice apprehendit the persone suspect or dilaitit for the offense and cryme or execute summondis upone him to underly the law thairfoir; bot oure said soverane lordis justice generall, leutennent or commissioner salbe juge competent incais of preventioun upone his pairt be the apprehensioun of the trespassour or first executioun of the summondis aganis him, and in that cais the said baillie and stewart of regalitie sall have na power to replege, bot, gif he pleis, he salbe adjoynit to the kingis justice and juge with him; and incais of convictioun, the said baillie and stewart heretabill, assistand to the judgement, salhave sic pairt of the escheit as he may clame be vertew of his office and infeftment gevin to him thairupone. And it is alsua decernit, statute and ordanit that na baillie nor stewart heretable of ony regalitie sall heirefter be hard to replege fra oure said soverane lordis justice air haldin be his justice generall, bot he salbe adjonit, gif he pleis, to the kingis justice and salhave samekle of the unlaw and penaltie of the personis dilaitit as he aucht to have be the richt of his infeftment. Inlykmaner, it is statute that in all ostis and armes the inhabitatis of the landis within the saidis bailliaries and stewartries salbe under the commandement of the saidis baillies and stewartis heretable in sic maner as thai wer wount to assemble with the saidis prelattis and baillies in tyme bigane; as als sall gif mustaris at thair wappinschawingis befoir thame according to the act of parliament, under the pane contenit thairin to be upliftit to the saidis baillies and stewartis use. And mairattour, it is speciallie providit that notwithstanding of the annexatioun of the temporalities of benefices to the croun, yit the conventuall brether of the abbay of Dumfermling sall nawayes be prejugit nor hurt anent thair levingis, portionis, pensionis, yairdis and dewties of the said abbay, bot that thai and everie ane of thame may peceablie brouk, joys and uplift thair portionis, pensionis, levingis, yairdis and dewties of the same abbay during thair lyftymes, conforme to thair giftis, speciall assignationis thairof, and to oure soverane lordis ratificatioun and confirmatioun thairupone in all pointis. The quhilk day, oure soverane lord, sittand in jugement in plane parliament, be his declaratioun maid in presence of his thrie estaittis, saulffit to him selff liberty and privilege to except and reserve furth of the actis of the annexatioun of the temporalities of benefices to the croun, of the satisfactioun of the temporalities annext, of his hienes revocatioun generall and of the ratificatioun of the restitutioun, pacificatioun and abolitioun all sic personis, causis and materis and with sic provisionis, limitationis and restrictionis as to his majestie sall seme expedient, quhilkis his hienes ordanis and commandis his clerk of register to insert and incorporat within the bodies of the saidis actis, the same exceptionis and reservationis being delyverit to him subscrivit be his hienes and his chancellair befoir the fyftene day of August nixtocum. And further, oure soverane lord, according to the libertie and privilege saulffit to him selff, sittand in jugement in plane parliament, hes exceptit furth of the said generall annexatioun the temporalities of the abbayes of Coldinghame and Kelso and cell of Lesmahago, declairand thame as yit to remane with the saidis abbayes and cell in the same estait quhairin they than wer and that thai wer not comprehendit in the annexatioun foirsaid, bot to remane with thame quhill forder ordour be takin; and hes declairit that it salbe lauchfull to his hienes to use the superioritie and fewfermes of the landis of Lethame, lyand within the sherefdome of Fyffe, being a pairt of the patrimonie of the bischoprik of Sanctandrois, all and sindrie the landis and utheris efterspecefiit, quhilkis are ane pairt of the patrimonie of Lynclouden: thay ar to say, the fyve merk land of Litle Dryburgh, the fyve merk land of Drumjarg, the fyve merk land of Ernephillane, the fyve merk land of Ernecrago, the fyve merk land of Blaronie, the fyve merk land of Mekle Dryburgh, the fyve merk land of Chapmantoun, the fyve merk land of Blakerne, the fyve merk land of Ernemye, the fyve merk land of Culnotrie, the corne milne of Corsmichell, the fyve merk land of Garrantoun, the tua merk land and ane half of Blak Park, all lyand within the baronie of Corsmichaell and stewartrie of Kirkcudbricht; the fyftene schilling land of Staikfurde, the xl s. land of Newtoun, the merk land of Cluny and Skellingholme, the sext merk land of Tarrauchtie, the sex merk land of Drumganis, the fyye merk land of Troqueir, the merk land of Stocholme, the fyve merk land of Noneland, the fyve merk land of Cruistanis, the sext merk land of Holme, the xx s. land of Maricholme, the four merk land of Noneholme, all lyand within the baronie of Drumsleit and stewartrie foirsaid; togidder with all castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, housis, biggingis, orcheardis, yairdis, milnes, woddis, fischeingis, pairtis, pendicles, annexis, connexis, outsettis, tennentis, tennendries and fermes of fewfermes, canes, custumes, services, casualities and utheris commodities quhatsumever. And gif it salhappin oure said soverane lord to dispone ony of the landis, milnes and fischeingis of the said provestrie quhilkis ar comprehendit in the said annexatioun, or quhilkis ar now exceptit and reservit as said is and salbe heirefter dimittit in his hienes handes be the provest and prebendaris thairof, that gif his hienes convertit the fermes or victuall in silver, the same salbe na diminutioun of the rentale or caus of reductioun of the saidis infeftmentis to be maid thairof. And als hes declairit and declairis that it salbe lauchfull to his hienes to use the superioritie and fewfermes of the landis of Lurg and Kyncardin4 and the preceptorie of Sanctanthonis in Leyth and chaiplanrie of Sanct James at the New Heavin landis, teyndis and annuellis of the same as sall seme gude to his hienes. And als declairis that notwithstanding the said annexatioun appointit to tak effect in maner foirsaid at the feast of Mertimes nixtocum, that Maistir Robert Dowglas, provest of Lynclouden, and [...] Dowglas, sone to the Laird of Drumlangrig, his successour, sall brouk the fruitis, proffittis and dewties of the said provestrie during thair lyftymes in the same maner as thai did of befoir; as alsua ratifies and approves the provisioun maid to [...] Dowglas, sone to the Laird of Drumlangrig, of the provestrie of Lynclouden, and that the act of satisfactioun salbe extendit in his favour, declairing the same provisioun to be suffcient for brouking and josing of the said provestrie and haill proffittis thairof, notwithstanding quhatsumever actis, constitutionis or lawes civile or municipall maid in the contrair, dispensand thairwith and effect thairof. And siclik exceptis furth of the said annexatioun the landis and utheris underwrittin quhilkis ar ane pairt of the patrimonie of Northberwick: thay ar to say, all and haill the place quhair the abbay kirk and closter of Northberwick stude befoir, quhilk is now ruinous and wes na parroche kirk, and als all and sindrie the landis of the heuch of Northberwicklaw, the Law Medo, the milnes of Kynkeyth, with the croftis thairof, the uther four croftis of land sumtyme occupiet be Robert Home of Heuch, with thair pertinentis, lyand on the southside of the burgh of Northberwick, all and haill the west pairt of the toun of Northberwick, callit the Nungait, lyand upon the west syd of the burne callit the Clairtie Burne, with all and sindrie landis, tenementis, housis, biggingis, outsettis, taillis, barnis yairdis and utheris pertinentis thairof, all and haill the tua husband land in Bonestoun, with thair pertinentis, all lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun; all and haill the landis of Monchryfe, the landis of Alderny, the landis of the Grange, with thair pertinentis, all lyand within the sherefdome of Fyff; with housis, biggingis, fortalices, mansionis, yardis, orcheardis, fermes of fewferme, tennentis, tennendries, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, quhilkis his majestie declairis ar not, nor sall not be, comprehendit in the said annexatioun.
- NAS, PA2/13, ff.81v-86r.
- 'V.' written in margin.
- In margin: 'The word toun deleit and in place thairof temporalitie insert be expres ordinance of act of parliament maid upoun the fyft day of Junij the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris, and be ane speciall warrand subscrivit be the kingis majestie and his hienes secretare daitit the xv day of Junij the yeir of God foirsaid'.
- In margin: 'with sevintene aiker of land, quhilkis landis ar of the abbacie and lordschip of Culross, A. clericus registri'.