The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 17 September 2024
Aganis sellaris and dispersaris of papisticall and erroneous buikis
2Forsamekle as sindrie personis bringis hame furth of utheris realmes divers buikis and writtis contening erroneous doctrine aganis the trew word of God and religioun professit and be the lawes establissit in this realme, or contening superstitious rites and ceremonies papisticall, quhairby the people ar greitlie abusit; for remeid quhairof, oure soverane lord and thre estaitis of this present parliament statuitis and ordanis that quhensoevir ony personis suspect of hame bringing of the saidis buikis sall repair, resorte and remane within ony burgh, it salbe lauchfull to the provest and baillies of the same burgh, with ane minister, to searche and seik the saidis buikis, and being fund, sic buikis as ar befoir declairit to distroy thame and to commit the hamebringeris to waird quhill thai be punissit in thair personis and guidis at our soverane lordis will; for the quhilk this present act salbe sufficient commissioun to the saidis provest, baillies and minister, and thair said searching, seiking, intromissioun and destructioun of the saidis buikis salbe repute ane lauchfull deid, for the quhilk thai sall incur na danger of spuilye or intruisioun or onie thing that may follow thairupoun.
- NAS, PA2/13, f.81r.
- 'V.' written in margin.