Ratificatioun of the libertie of the kirk of God

Oure soverane lord, now efter his lauchfull and perfite aige of tuentie ane yeiris compleit, with avise and consent of his estaitis convenit in this present parliament, ratifeis, apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis all and quhatsumevir actis maid be his hienes in the governamentis of his regentis during his young aige, or sen the acceptatioun of the governament of his realme in his awin persoun, or be his maist noble progenitouris anent the libertie of the kirk of God and religioun now presentlie professit and be the lawis establischit within this realme; and that the said ratificatioun be als effectuall as gif all the saidis actis wer heirin expressit, nameit and numerat; and casis, annullis and abrogattis all lawis, actis and statuitis, cannon, civill, municipall and utheris ordinances quhatsumevir maid in ony tymes of befoir contrair or in prejudice of the said trew religioun and professouris thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.80v.