Ratificatioun of the act of parliament maid in favouris of Schir James Balfouris wyff and bairnis

2Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of parliament ratefeis and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the act of his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the [...] day of Maii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir four yeiris, anent the memorie of umquhill Schir James Balfour of Pettindreich, knycht, his wyiff, bairnis, air and posteritie, with all conditionis, clausis and circumstances thairof, lyke as the said act in the selff at mair lenth proportis, the haill tennour quhairof is haldin heir as repetit, and ordanis the same to stand in full force and strenth and to haif dew executioun as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.62r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.