Ratificatioun of ane lettre of tak to the Laird of Largo, comptroller

2Anent the supplicatioun presentit to oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament be Andro Wod of Largo, his majesties comptroller, makand mentioun that quhair be vertew of contract and appointment maid at Edinburgh the tent day of November, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiiij yeiris, betuix his hienes, Johnne Fentoun, iconomus of the abbay of Dumfermling for the tyme, and William, commendatour of Pittinweme, quhais advice was appointit to be gevin to the said Johnne in using the said office, on the ane pairt, and the said Andro Wod on the uther pairt, he renuncit at his hienes desyre the tak and assedatioun set be his majestie to the3 Andro of the fewfermis and utheris dewateis addettit furth of the barrony of Largo of befoir, in recompance quhairof, his majestie, than haifing the said abbacie of Dumfermling and fruictis thairof in his awin handis, set, with advise of the said yconimus to the said Andro Wod, his airis and assignais specifeit thairin, all and sindry the mailles, fermis, canes, custumes, proffeittis and dewateis of the lordschip and baronie of Newbirneschir, with the teindschaves and utheris teindis, fruictis and rentis, bayth personaig and vicaraig, of the parochin and kirk thairof, lyand within the sherefdome of Fyffe, sumtyme being ane pairt of the patrimonie and propirtie of the said abbacie of Dunfermling, for all the dayis of his lyftyme, and eftir his deceise for the lyftyme of his narrest and lauchfull air, and eftir the deceise of the said air, to his airis and assignais for the space of nyntene yeiris, with diverse and sindrie conditionis and provisionis contenit thairin, as in the samyn contract of the dait foirsaid at mair lenth is contenit; as also his majestie sensyne be contract maid at Dumfermling the xvj day of Junii the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, with avise of the lordis of secreit counsall, collectour generall and iconomus of Dumfermling on the ane pairt, and the said Andro Wod on the uther pairt, past the samyn contract in the forme, effect and conditionis as is contenit in the uther contract foirsaid in all pointis, as in the samyn of the dait foirsaid siclike at mair lenth is contenit. And now trew it is that the said Andro Wode hes obtenit ane new tak and assedatioun to him, his airis and assignais in maner abonespecafiit of Patrik, maister of Gray, commendatour of the said abbay and convent thairof, of all and sindrie the saidis mailles, fermes and dewateis of the said lordschip and barronie of Newbirneschir, with the teindschaves and utheris teindis and fruictis of the kirk and parochin thairof, as in the samyn, ratefeand and apprevand the haill former takkis, rychtis and titillis set be our said soverane lord to the said comptroller thairof, and all conditionis and provisionis thairin contenit, of the dait the penult day of October last bypast siclyk at mair lenth is contenit, quhairfoir it is necessar and expedient for his bettir securitie that the saidis contractis and takis maid to the said Andro thairupoun be ratefeit and apprevit in this present parliament; quhilk supplicatioun being at length red and advisit be his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis, oure said soverane lord and thrie estaitis of this present parliament ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the foirsaidis contractis and tak respective, haill articlis, clausis and conditionis contenit thairin, eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all poyntis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.60r-v.
  2. 'P.O.' written in margin.
  3. APS interpolation, 'said'.