Act in favour of Johnne, lord Hammyltoun and Claud, commendatour of Paislay

2Forsamekle as anent the supplicatioun presentit to the kingis grace and lordis of articlis be Johnne, lord Hammyltoun and Claud, commendatour of Paislay, beirand that thay presentit of befoir ane uthir supplicatioun, humelie craving that as it hes bene oure said soverane lordis majesteis guid plesure to grant ane generall restitutioun to his hienes haill nobilitie and subjectis that hes bene greivit be occasioun of civill trublis within this realme fra his hienes coronatioun, and to redress sic lossis as thay have suffirrit be the injurie of the tyme; and that our said soverane lord wald wischeaf amangis the greit and commoun benefites impartit to thame to appoint to the saidis Johnne and Claude sum recourse and remeid for the recoverie and repititioun of sic sowmes of money as hes bene debursit to his hienes chancellair be thair speciall freindis, as cautioneris for thame, that the saidis Johnne and Claude sulde abyde at the kingis majesties obedience according to the articles of pacificatioun. And althocht it was supposit be the said chancellair, as donatour to this penaltie, that be the residence of certane of the saidis Johnnis and Claudis freindis within the house of Hammyltoun eftir thair escaping furth of the cuntrey that thay had contravenit thair bandis and obligatiounis of thair souerteis and that the saidis cautioneris had incurrit the panis contenit in the act be the saidis Johnne and Claudis contraventioun, quhilk house wes keipit without ony warrand of thame, and that thay depairtit furth of the cuntrey for saiftie of thair lyves, off intentioun to die and leif the kingis majesteis trustie and obedient subjectis, lyke as it hes pleisit the kingis majestie now to acknawlege thame for the same and to rescind the forfaltour sa inordorlie deducit aganis thame, quhairbe the contraventioun wes verifeit in prejudice of thair cautioneris and wes the caus thay wer decernit in that penaltie; and seing our said soverane lord hes delt sa graciouslie with the saidis personis in all respectis, and cheiflie that it hes pleisit his hienes to abolishe the rememberance of that forfaltour and offence quhairupoun the saidis Johnne and Claudis cautionereis and souteris wer adjugit in that penaltie, and seing the saidis cautioneris hes guid actioun and recourse of the law to persew the saidis lordis and commendatour for the recoverie of sic sowmes as they haif payit and delyverit to the said chancellair, and that it is our said soverane lordis intentioun that thay sall sustene na loss, damnage, injurie nor harme for ony deidis or occasionis preceiding this present parliament, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with advise of his saidis thrie estaitis presentlie convenit, decernis and declairis that the saidis Johnne, lord Hammyltoun, and Claude, commendatour of Paislay, sall haif guid entress, rycht and actioun to convene, call and persew the said lait chancellair his airis, bairnis, successouris and assignais quhatsumevir, to ony of his landis, conquests or living, and to recover and repeit furth of thair handis sic sowmes of money as he ressavit fra the saidis cautioneris and quhairupoun he hes delyverit particulair acquittances; and siclyk declairis the gift of the said penaltie, insamekle as is not uptakin thairof, and all and quhatsumevir bandis and obligatiounis maid be ony of the saidis soverteis or ony utheris in thair names to quhatsumevir persoun or personis for pament of ony pairt of the said sowme and penaltie, to be null, retreittit, rescindit, and presentlie declairis the same to be null and retreitis and rescindis the same and to gif na rycht nor actioun to the donatour to persew thairfoir in ony tyme heireftir, provyding alwayis that our said soverane lord haif the prerogative aganis the said erll and his foirsaidis anent the repititioun of his jowellis intromettit with be him, quhilk, being recoverit and he satisfeit on his thesaurer or utheris haveand his majesteis power thairfoir, than and thaireftir this present act to haif fuill strenth and effect as is abonewrittin at the instance of the saidis lordis and commendatour aganis the saidis chancellair and his foirsaidis in maner and forme as is abonereheirsit.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.58r-v.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.