Act in favour of the Lord Glammis

2Oure soverane lord and thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that Patrik, lord Glammis is enormelie and hevilie hurte be the decreit reductive gevin aganis him befoir the lordis of counsell at the instance of maister David Carnegie of Colluthy, Elizabeth and Margaret Carnegeis, his dochteris, reduceand and retreatand ane uther decreit gevin be the saidis lordis at the instance of umquhill Johnne, lord Glammis, his gudschir, aganis umquhill Elizabeth Ramsay, dochter and air to umquhill Henry Ramsay of Colluthy, for molestatioun of the said umquhill Johnne, lord Glames, in his fisheingis callit the Puill Know and Johnne Sandis, utherwayis callit Fodderis, and Thanwell or Tentis Muris, and be the haill last processes of reductioun quhairupoun the said last decreit proceidit, quhilk decreit and processes being gevin and led in ane factious tyme, the said Patrik, lord Glames, being pupill, and Thomas, maistir of Glames, his tutour, being furth of the realme and utherwayis not being able to compeir ane lang tyme for the leiding of the said process; thairfoir, our soverane lord and thrie estaitis foirsaidis reducis and rescindis the said last decreit reductive and haill process quhairupoun the same proceidit and reponis and restoris the said Patrik, lord Glames, and his said tutour in integrum to the same place and estait quhairin thay war befoir the rasing of the summundis, quhairupoun the said last decreit proceidit, provyding alwayis that the said Lord Glammis and his said tutour for his entress preve the narrative of thir presentis befoir the juge competent as accordis of the law; and immediatlie thaireftir Maistir Johnne Russell, procutour for maistir David Carnegy of Colluthy, compeirit personallie in presens of the kingis majestie and thrie estaitis in parliament, and protestit that thir presentis on nawayis hurt nor prejuge the said maistir David, inrespecte the said lord and his tutour for his entres compeirit and maid defence in the said mater as he sall verifie befoir the juge competent, and thairupoun askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.56r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.