Ratificatioun grantit to the Laird of Carmychell

2Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of parliament, understanding that Johnne Carmychell, younger, of that Ilk, in name and behalf of James Carmychell, his sone, reallie and with effect debursit and payit to umquhill William, erll of Gowry, lord Ruthwen and Dirltoun, the sowme of sewin thowsand markis money and bestowit be the said umquhill erll upoun his awin effaires tending to his utilitie and proffeit, for securitie of the quhilk sowme the said James Carmychell was infeft heretable in all and haill the landis of Hiefeild and Arnotis Flatt, with the pertinentis, lyand within the lordschip of Dirltoun, under reversioun, contening the sowme of four thowsand markis, and siclyk in all and haill ane annuelrent of thrie hundreth markis to be taikin up yeirlie at twa termis in the yeir, Witsounday and Mertimes in winter, be equall portiounis, furth of all and haill the manis of Dirltoun, with the pertinentis, siclyk under reversioun, conteining the sowme of thrie thowsand merkis, as the samyn infeftmentis and oure soverane lordis confirmatioun fallowing thairupoun of the dait the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir yeiris, at mair lenth beiris; nevirtheles, the said James hes obtenit na payment of the said annuelrent of ony yeiris and termis sen the dait of his said infeftment be ressone of forfaltour, alsweill led aganis the said umquhill Erll of Gowry as aganis the said Johnne Carmychell, and under pretext that oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun was grantit betuix the xxij day of August the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir twa yeiris and the [...] day of [...] nixtthaireftir, quhairby he is hidderto frustratat of the said annuelrent and of the greit sowme of money debursit; thairfoir the said James Carmychell, being within the aige of xvj yeiris, evir remanand our soverane lordis faithfull leig and subject but ony suspitioun of offence, and haifing alswa the benefite of our soverane lordis confirmatioun and the alienatioun forsaid proceiding upoun ane titill onerous and nawayis suspect of ony fraud; and thairfoir his hienes, with expres consent and assent of the thrie estaitis of parliament upoun certane knawledge, hes ratefeit and apprevit and, for his hienes and his successouris, be the tennour of thir presentis, ratefeis and apprevis the said infeftment and seasing fallowing thairupoun, with the said chartour of confirmatioun grantit of befoir in maner forsaid, and will and grantis, for his hienes and his successouris, that the said James, his airis and assignais specifiit in the said infeftment sall frelie bruik and joise the saidis landis of Hiefeild and Arnottis Flatt, with the pertinentis, sett, use and dispone thairupoun at his plesure in tyme cuming, ay and quhill the lauchfull redemptioun thairof, conforme to the reversioun grantit thairupoun; and siclyk, it sall be lesum to the said James and his airis to call, fallow, poynd and distrinyie for the said annuelrent of thrie hundreth markis of all yeiris and termis bypast sen the dait of the said infeftment and in tyme cuming, ay and quhill the lauchtfull redemptioun thairof be payment of the said sowme of thrie thowsand markis, eftir the forme and tennour of the reversioun siclyke grantit thairupoun, and that nochwithstanding the proces of forfaltour led aganis the said umquhill erll and the said Johnne Carmychell or quhatsumevir law, statute, act of parliament and uther constitutioun maid or to be maid for annulling, rescinding and revoking of the alienationis maid be the said umquhill Erll of Gowry, for him self or in name of [...], his sone, and oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun; to the quhilk, and eviry ane of thame, our said soverane lord, with advise and consent forsaid, will, decernis and ordanis thir presentis to mak expres and speciall dirogatioun, and ordanis ane chartour to be maid under the greit seill in the mair forme, ratefeand and apprevand the said infeftment and seasing, with the uther confirmatioun proceiding thairupoun, conteinand the haill narrationis, clausis and dirogatiounis foirsaidis, ordaning this present act of parliament, subscrivit be the clerk of register, to be sufficient and immediat warrand thairto at the grit seall, but passing the signet and previe seall, and to be extendit in the best forme with all clausis neidfull.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.53v-54r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.