Actis of the restitutioun of the noblemen and utheris ressavit to the kingis majesties favour, and abolitioun of the force of processis of foirfaltor and uther materis concerning thame

2Oure soverane lord, deiplie considerand the monie trublis and calamiteis continewing within this realme sen his majesties coronatioun throw the civile truble beginning upoun the variable dispositioun of his hienes subjectis toward his service, and of the utheris mony dissentionis arrysing thairefter amangis the nobilitie of his realme, quhairby the estait of the commoun welth hes bene wonderfullie afflictit, his majestie of his princelie cair and affectioun, peyteing the trublit estait and being maist desirous of the unione and concord of all his subjectis and to continew thair hartlie luif and favour toward his majestie, and to gif all his guid subjectis the better occasioun to continew in their obedience in tyme cuming and being fullilie myndit, as he taketh God to witnes, to governe and rewle his subjectis and realme in justice and richt, and rather be luif nor be dreadour, considering thairwithall the maist humble behaviour of his lovit subjectis, Jhonn, lord Hamiltoun, Archibald, erle of Angus, lord Dowglass and Abirnethie, Frances, erle Bothwell, lord Hallis and Chreichtoun, greit admirall of this reale, Jhonn, erle of Mar, lord Erskin, Jhonn, erle of Mortoun, lord Maxwell, Alexander, lord Home, Thomas, maistir of Glammis, Lord Claude Hamiltoun, commendatair of Paislay, Williame Dowglas of Drumlangrig, Williame Ker of Cesfurde, James Hume of Coldenknowes, knichtis, David, commendatair of Dryburgh, Adame, commendatair of Cambuskinneth, Maister Willimam Erskin, persoun of Campsie, William Baillie of Lamingtoun, James Hamiltoun of Haggis, his brether, and servandis Alexander Hamiltoun of Innerweik, Robert Hamiltoun of Bathcat, Robert Hamiltoun of Sillertoun Hill, younger, James Hamiltoun of Stanehous, Jhonn Hamiltoun of Orbestoun, Robert Hamiltoun of Likprevik, Jhonn Hamiltoun, youngar of Prestoun, Patrik Hamiltoun of Kincavill, James Weir of Blakwod, James Lokart of Ley, Robert Hamiltoun of Dalsserff, youngar, Patrik Hamiltoun of Dalserff, Maistir Jhonn Hamiltoun of Barneclewch, Claude Hamiltoun of Brounehill, Robert Hamiltoun of Corss, Maistir Patrik Hamiltoun of Fairholme, Arthour Hamiltoun of Bothuellhawche, James Hamiltoun of Scherall, Johne Hamiltoun of Wodhall, Robert Hamiltoun, younger of Newhouse, James Baillie and Alexander Ballie, sonis to Alexander Baillie of Litlegill, Jhonn Hamiltoun, persoun of Craufurd Jhonn, James Hamiltoun of Twediesyd, Thomas Hamiltoun of Schoittis, Thomas Hamiltoun of Preist Field, with his brether Oliver Hamiltoun, burges of Hamiltoun, Johne Fairlie of [...], Richard Jhonnstoun, James Hamiltoun, youngar of Park Heid, James Muirheid, younger of Lawchop, Robert Baillie of Jervestoun, Robert Baillie of Park, Archibald Hamiltoun of Lethame, Walter MacAlester, George Douglas of Parkheid, James Dowglas and George Dowglas, his sonis, Jhonn Carmichaell of that Ilk, Robert Dowglas, brother to William Dowglas of Caveris, Walter Dowglas in Litle Sawquhy, Johne Lyoun of Cossynnis, James Lioun of Eister Ogill, Johne Ogiluy of Ballinscho, Henrie Ogilve, his son, James Arbuthnet of Lentushe, Johne Arbuthnot, his sone, David Arbuthnot, Alexander Lioun and utheris, thair friendis, servandis and dependaris being in their cumpany with theme at thair reparing to his grace at Sterling, the second day of November last bipast, their honest and cumlie demeanour continewallie sensyne his majestie hes found that thai have bene and ar his obedient lawtifull and trustie subjectis; thairfoir his hienes and thrie estaitis in parliament, for propagatioun of the Christiane religioun, extinctioun of all factions, seditionis and stryf and for the suirtie of all his liegis and especiallie of the personis above specifiit, their friendis, servandis and dependaris and utheris quhilkis salhave the benefite of this present act and establishing of ane universall peax and concord within this realme, hes resolvit upoun the remeidis following: first, our soverane lord and his thre estaitis in parliament for the weill and suirtie of his liegis and wechtie considerationis moving him tending to the furtherance and establisching of peax and justice, the quietnes of the realme and universall obedience to his auctoritie, haif declarit, decernit and ordanit and, be the tennour heirof, declairis, decernis and ordanis that all and sindrie processis and sentences of foirfaltour deducit and gevin in parliamentis, justice courtis and particular dyettis, all horningis and penalteis following thairupoun or proceiding at our soverane lordis instance for his particular enteresse, for quhatsumevir crymes, attemptatis, factis and deidis done or assistit being or that may be interpreit to be aganis his majestie sen his coronatioun, and for quhatsumevir uther crymes, causis and offences specefiit and contenit in the sentences of foirfaltour led and procesis of horning execut aganis quhatsumevir personis, men or wemen, exceptand as salbe declarit, at onie tyme heirtofoir sen his majesties coronatioun, ar, and salbe, void and of nane availl, strenth, force nor effect in all tyme cuming, exceptand alwayis the foirfaltouris led and standing in strenth and force aganis the personis convict for the cruell, horribill and tressonable murther of oure soverane lordis umquhile dearest father, the procesis of foirfaltour and barratrie led aganis James, sumtyme archiebischop of Glasgw, Jhonn, sumtyme bischop of Ross and Williame, sumtyme bishope of Dunblane, with all the consequentis and dependatitis thairof, quhilkis ar nawayis comprehendit in this present act bot ar exceptit expreslie thairfra and fra everie pairt thairof; in likemaner, all and sindrie infeftmentis, charteris, preceptis, instrumentis of sasing, presentationis, utheris richtis, titillis and dispositionis quhatsumevir of landis, heretageis, offices, rentis, teyndis and possessionis maid, grantit and proceiding be and upoun the saidis foirfaltouris, horningis and penalteis to and in favour of quhatsumevir personis, mediatlie and immediatly, with all decreitis and sentences gevin and pronuncit in quhatsumevir jugement, jurisdictioun or court be the lordis of his counsale and sessioun, utheris his jugeis and ministeris of his lawes consequent and dependand upoun the saidis foirfaltouris, horningis and penalteis ar and salbe in all tyme heireftir of na force, strenth nor effect, and that but onie speciall process of reductioun or uther declaratioun to follow thairupoun; and it is forder concludit that this present act of parliament is, and salbe, als valiable in all respectis to our said soverane lordis liegis standing under the saidis dangeris, thair airis, successouris and posteritie as gif the saidis procesis, sentences and domes of foirfaltour, horningis, penalteis, the foirsaidis infeftmentis, charteris, sesingis, presentationis, uthers richtis, titillis and dispositionis quhatsumevir, with the decreitis and sentences consequentlie following thairupoun, wer speciallie and ordourlie retreatit and reducit, all parteis havand enteress being specialie callit thairto. Mairover, oure said soverane lord and his saidis thrie estaitis of parliament, be the tennour heirof, [hes] rehabilitat, reintegrat and restorit and, be the tennour heir of, rehabilitatis, reintegratis and restoris sa mony of the saidis personis as ar levand and the memorie of thame quhilkis ar departit this lyff, thair airis, successouris and posteritie to thair guid fame and worldlie honour and to use all lefull actis and deidis in judgement and outwith, and to all and sindrie thair landis, rentis, heretageis, takis, stedingis, offices, benefices, pensionis and possessionis quhatsumevir quhilkis thai and everie ane of theme had the tyme of the leiding of the saidis proceses and geving of the domes of foirfaltour aganis thame. And als his hienes and thre estaitis foirsaidis decernis and declairis that the airis, successouris and posteritie, the bairnis, lawfull and naturall, of all and quhatsumevir personis foirfaltit sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, exceptand as is befoir exceptit, ar and salbe hable to bruik, enjoy and clame quhatsumevir landis, heretageis, teyndis, offices and possessionis pertening or that richteouslie may pertene to thame, and all and sindrie alienationis, infeftmentis, fewfermes, takis, rentallis, assignationis and dispositionis quhatsumevir of landis, heretages, annuelrentis, stedingis, rowmes, possessionis and guidis maid be ony of the saidis personis forfaltit to any utheris be als valiable and sufficient as gif thai had not incurrit the said sentance. Forder, it salbe lefull to everie ane of the saidis personis foirfaltit, yit being onlyff, and to the airis, successouris, bairnis and posteritie of thame quhilkis ar departed, to succeid to thair predicessouris or to ony utheris be quhome thai can pretend richt and title of successioun be brevis or utherwayis as accordis of the law, siclyke and als frelie as gif the saidis sentences and domes of foirfaltor had never bene gevin, and notwithstanding his hienes actis of parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of November lxxj yeiris and in the moneth of Maii lxxxiiij yeiris aganis the posteriteis of certane speciall personis and suir names, to the quhilkis actis and ordinances of parliament in generall and in speciall his majestie and estaitis foirsaidis hes maid and makis speciall and expres derogatioun be thir presentis, expreslie bidding and commanding that all the foirsaidis sentences of foirfaltour (exceptand as is befoir exceptit), with the saidis ordinances maid aganis the posteritie, quhais predicessouris be thir presentis ar restorit in generall and in speciale, baith anent the personis and surnames, salbe raisit furth of his hienes register and actis of parliament to the effect that na memorie remane thairof heireftir, bot the samin salbe buriit and put in perpetuall oblivioun with all the consequences and dependances thairof, siclyke as thai had nevir bene, and to be of na strenth nor effect in all tyme cuming. Siclyke all and sindrie personis yit on lyff, quhilkis wer providit to benefices or pensionis and we[...] [...]rit therfra be sentences of foirfaltour, barratrie or for non geving confessioun o[... ], or for non acknawlegeing of his majesties auctoritie according to the lait act of [...] maid thairanent at ony tyme sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, salbe restorit a[... ] integrum to thair saidis benefices and pensionis, the saidis personis quhilkis for this last caus ar deprivit of their benefices ether havand alreddie maid or offering to mak the confessioun of their faith and to acknawlege his hienes auctoritie; and his hienes and estaitis foirsaidis retratis and reducis quhatsumevir provisioun maid thairof to ony personis be ressoun of the saidis sentences, and restoris the personis first providit and debarrit thairfra in integrum to their saidis benefices and pensionis and in the samin estait and caice quhairin the saidis benefices and pensionis wer of befoir the saidis sentences, and as the samin had nevir bene gevin, notwithstanding quhatsumevir fewes, takis, rentallis and utheris dispositionis maid thaireftir be thame quha wer providit and obtenit title throw the saidis foirfaltouris or utheris decreitis abonespecifiit, and notwithstanding oure said soverane lordis confirmatioun grantit thairupoun or quhatsumevir sentences or decreitis following thairupoun quhilkis his majestie and estaitis declairis, decernis and ordanis to be of na force, to the end that this restitutioun may tak full effect, providing alwayis that this present act be not extendit to beneficit personis that ar deid. And forder, the personis quhilkis haif obtenit fewis, takis, rentallis maid to thame be the personis quhilkis wer providit to benefices be the foirfaltour of utheris, as said is, salhave na actioun aganis the makeris thairof for warrandice of the samin takis, fewes, rentallis, nor yit for refounding of the money and gersum ressavit be thame thairfoir, nor yit sall the saidis fewaris be astrictit to pay onie of thair deweteis restand awand for thair landis and teyndis bot according to thair saidis fewes, takis and rentallis to this crope last bipast, jM vC lxxxv yeiris, and the males of the Mertimes terme last bipast exclusive, and nevirtheless for the said crope and terme and in tyme cuming thai sall pay thair deweteis in the quantitie as thei war accustomat befoir the saidis foirfaltouris and acquiring of thair new titles. And als because diverse beneficit personis within thir twa yeiris bipast ar hurt in the richtes of their benefices be decreitis gevin contrair thame be his majestie and lordis of his secreit counsale and be the judge ordinar upoun triall of the cause, his hienes, thairfoir, and thre estaitis in parliament, retreatis all and sindrie the saidis decreitis and decernis the same of nane availl, and ordanis the personis quhilkis wer dispossest thairby to be fullilie repossest thairto in maner foirsaid, but prejudice of ony parteis richt to be discussit thaireftir be the judge ordiner as effeiris, the personis foirfaltit befoir as said is (exceptand as is befoir exceptit), sa monie as ar onlyve and the airis of thame quhilkis ar deceissit and all utheris dispossessit of thair landis and levingis be the trubellis, salbe restorit to the same possessioun quhilkis they and their predicessouris respective had to ther landis, heretageis, castellis, touris, fortalices, rowmes, teindis, offices and possessionis befoir the foirfaltouris led contrair thame or truble movit to theme in their levingis, and the beneficit personis and pensionaris salbe restorit and repossessit to their benefices and pensionis in the same maner as thai war possessit befoir the saidis foirfaltouris and decreittis be lettres quhilkis salbe grantit in all four formes be deliverance of the saidis lordis of counsale and sessioun for repossessing of thame to thair levingis, and be lettres of horning upoun ane simple charge within the space of ten dayes for deliverance of castellis, touris, fortalices, and that notwithstanding quhatsumevir decreit or sentence intervening that micht appeir to impeid the full effect of the said repossessioun. It is alwayis understand and providit be thir presentis that quhair ane persoun was first foirfaltit and the uther succeiding to his richt was foirfaltit and upoun the second foirfaltour was dispossest be the thrid or last persoun, the persoun spirituall or temporall first foirfaltit and dispossessit sall alwayis have the prerogative of the said repossessioun and be preferrit to all utheris efter the mynd and intentioun of this present act, quhiarby it is menit that the persoun first foirfaltit and dispossessit sall returne in the same caice quhairin he was immediatlie befoir the foirfaltor, quhilk prerogative salbe extendit to the airis of thame quha wer first dispossessit, albeit thair predicessouris be deid, but prejudice alwayis of the richt of onie persoun to be tryit and judgeit efter the said repossessioun befoir the judge competent as accordis upoun the law; and this to have place in thair favour quha wer dispossessit be barratrie for non acknawlegeing of his majesties auctoritie and geving confessioun of their faith, the males, fermes, deweteis, proffeitis, emolumentis of landis, rowmes, possessionis, teindis, benefices and pensionis, the eschaet guidis of penalteis becum in his majesties handis and alreddie upliftit sall remane with the intromettouris thairwith, bot the personis presentlie restorit salhave power to call and persew for the restis not yit upliftit of the haill yeiris bipast and to the haill fermes of the crope and yeir of God lxxxv yeiris instant and to the manis and incres of the said yeir, occupiet and labourit be thame quha had richt be the saidis foirfaltouris and escheitis, with the cattell and plenissing being upoun the ground, gif thai left the same plenissit befoir; and gif thai find mair plenishing nor thai left, that thai sall mak the samin furthcumand and deliver it to the awneris; and to the meales of the Mertimes terme last bipast, it salbe als lauchtfull to thame to call and persew for all thair movable guidis extant, the debtis awand unto thame and not upliftit be the donatouris; and quhair the debttour haif purchessit the gift of the debt quhilk he was awand to him selff or to ony uther to his behuif, directlie or indirectlie, he sall nevirtheless stand obleist for his debt to his creditouris, defalkand alwayes the expensis and compositioun gif ony be debursit to oure soverane lordis thesaurair for the gift gif ony be payit thairfoir; the unlawes, penalteis and escheitis adjudgit in justice courtis, and all uther sowmes that may be askit for contraventioun of ony band or act maid to his majestie for the obedience of his auctoritie, ather fra the principallis or their cautionaris, quhilk as yit restis unupliftit and ressavit, salbe and ar be thir presentis frelie remittit and dischargeit; as als the actis, bandis and obligationis quhatsumevir maid for the assurit keiping of the pacificatioun accordit at Perth, the xxiiij day of Februarii jM vC lxxxij yeiris,3 ratefeit and apprevit in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of Aprile nixt thaireftir, and all utheris actis and obligationis maid for intercomoning, assisting and suppleing with onie of his majesties subjectis foirfaltit and at the horne, and all bandis, actis and obligationis registrat be the quhilkis the personis, principallis, and their cautioneris and sourteis ar actit, bundin and obleist for entrie of thair personis in waird in ony castell or prescrivit place at the instance of oure soverane lord upoun his proper enteresse allanerlie, or be the quhilkis thai and thair cautioneris ar obleist to depairt and pas furth of the realme with all decreitis interponit thairto, gif ony be, with all penalteis and sequelles thairof ar fra the beginning declarit to be of nane availl and in all tyme cuming to be of na strenth, force nor effect. Our soverane lord, following his naturall guid inclinatioun to quietnes and peax, being now myndit to satle his estait in perfite unioun and concord, and be removing of all occasionis of further jelosie and dissidence betuix his hienes, his nobilitie and people to manifest him selff in deid a cairfull fader of his commoun weill, seiking be all loving meanis to win of his haill liegis ane inwaird luif and hartlie dispositioun to his obedience and service, hes decernit, declarit, statute and ordanit and, be the auctoritie of this present parliament, decernis, declaris, statutis and ordanis that all and quhatsumevir deid, fact, interpryse, devise and executioun inventit, done, assistit, execute and performit be ony of his liegis and subjectis of quhatsumevir estait, qualitie or degree they be of, in ony assemblyis, counsallis, tratises, conventionis, conferences, privat or publict gadderingis, convocatioun of his liegis in armes, rasing of bandis of men of weir, intelligences and treatises with foreyne princes or utheris in materis of estait, and quhatsumevir thing devised, attemptit, done or execute in ony commoun caus quhat his majesties liegis be numberis wer assemblit togidder for reformatioun of thingis miscontenting thame in the administratioun and governament of the realme, or for apprehensioun, searching and seiking of quhatsumevir personis or for actis to his hienes presence and all hurtis, slauchteris, multilationis, spuilyeis, reiffis, oppressionis, depredationis, direptionis, baith to burgh and land, damnageis and skaithis quhatsumevir committit, done or assistit at the tymes of the saidis conventionis, assemblies, interprises and commoun causis following and depending thairupoun, and all taking and assegeing of oure soverane lordis housis, castellis and fortalices, deteaning of the samin and intrometting with the guidis being thairin, taking of prisoneris, breking of wardis and prisones and releving of the presonaris being thairin, intercommoning of rebellis and personis foirfaltit, assisting, helping and suppleing of thame departing furth of this realme but licence, all actionis and causis of barratrie, deforcement of officiaris and all utheris crymes, offences, tressonis, transgressionis of quhatsamevir qualitie thai be, and for the quhilkis our soverane lord, his airis and successouris, upoun thair particular and proper enteresse micht or may move quarrell, or actioun perpetrat and committit, devisit, consultit, assistit, approvin and ratefiit be ony of his saidis subjectis of quhatsumevir qualitie and estait, as said is, sen the tyme of his majesties coronatioun, salbe and ar, be the auctoritie of this present parliament, buriit and put in perpetuall oblivioun and never to be moveit heireftir in jugement, nor utherwayis be his majestie, his airis and successouris to and aganis onie of his subjectis at ony tyme mair nor thai had never bene, bot the samin fra thyne furth is, and salbe, alluterlie extinct and expirat with all actioun and suit, criminall, civill or pecuniall, that may follow thairupoun, and all sequellis, dependances and consequences of the samin. And forder, be the advise of the saidis thrie estaitis in parliament, our soverane lord will and grantis that this present salbe als guid and effectuall in the law to all and everie one of his subjectis as gif the samin had contenit speciall mentioun be thair names of all offences, causis, materis, suittis, querellis, executionis, judgementis, penalteis and trespasis quhatsumevir done, committit or sufferit in the saidis commoun causis and debettis at ony tyme sen his majesties foirsaid coronatioun, bot ony obstacle, challenge or impediment, abolisching the same from all remembrance to cum simpliciter and for evir dischargeing the lordis of his hienes counsale and sessioun, his advocatis present and being for the tyme, his justice clarkis and all utheris, his officiaris and ministeris of his lawes, of all arreisting, persewing, trubling or accusing of onie of his liegis and subjectis in and for the premisis and of their offices in that pairt. It is alwayis providit that in the foirsaid oblivioun and abolitioun is not, nor salbe, comprehendit the horrible and tressonable murther of oure soverane lordis dearest father of guid memorie, nor onie utheris voluntar murtheris or slauchteris, fyre rasing, birning of cornis and housis, hoching of oxin, brekin of plewis, oppressionis, spuilyeis, ejectionis, intrusionis and all utheris actionis and suttis, criminall and civill, quhatsumevir preceiding betuix persoun and persoun upoun thair particular motioun and enteresse and nocht following and depending upoun the said commoun causis; exceptand alsua thift, incest, witchecraft, ravisching of wemen, streaking, inbringing and outputting of fals cunyie, men slauchter in housis, in the hie way and passage or beside the samin, not depending upoun the comoun caus as said is. And als reservand to oure soverane lord, his thesaurair, comptrollair and collector generall, thair suitis and actionis for his hienes propirtie, casualities and thriddis of benefices restand unto his hienes and for quhatsumevir jowellis, abuilyementis, guidis movable and unmovable pertening to his hienes dearest moder or him selff and all actionis depending or that may be movit thairupoun, penalteis and unlawes cuming upoun the saidis commoun causis allanerlie exceptit, quhilkis ar be the said abolitioun dischargit, and als exceptand all utheris crimes, actionis, materis, causis and offences betuix privat parteis upoun thair awin privat causis, nawayis proceiding and following upoun the saidis commoun causis, quhilkis ar not meanit to be comprehendit under the said generall abolitioun and oblivioun and quhairin ony of his subjectis ar dampnagit and offendit, quhilkis it salbe lawfull to the partie to persew as thai micht haif done befoir, notwithstanding the premisis. And becaus the saidis ordinances ar maid for the weill and tranquillitie of the realme and haill subjectis for ane universall concord and unioun to follow in tyme cuming, it is statute and ordanit, and oure soverane lord and his estaitis of parliament willing that the same be inviolably and irrevocably keipit to all his subjectis but onie restrictioun or interpretatioun, for him and his successouris, decernis and ordanis that the same sall, at na tyme heireftir, be abrogat in all or derogat in ony pairt thairof, nathir be his majestie and successouris, nor yit be the thrie estatis in parliament, and that na maner of persoun nor personis of quhatsumevir qualitie or degree thay be pretend to argun, impung, travell, solist or lawbour for the infringeing, breking, wrasting, abrogatioun or derogatioun thairof, directlie or indirectlie, under the pane of tressoun and lesemajestie to be execute with all rigour upoun the breakeris thairof. Siclike forsamekle as sen the proceses of foirfaltour led against the saidis personis sen thai wer denunceit rebellis and put to the horne, chargeit to waird and to depairte of the realme, or for uther necessar and probable causis wer absent or furth of the realme, had not suir access to compeir for persut and defence of thair actionis, sindrie process ar led and decreitis gevin, not only aganis thame selffis bot also aganis the minoris quhilkis wer in thair tutell and cum to their greit prejudice and hurt, thairfoir our soverane lord and his thrie estaitis, for remeid thairof, retreattis and rescindis sa mekle of the saidis proceses as ar led and deducit, and the haill decreittis and sentences quhilkis ar gevin within the tyme foirsaid and that necessitie and probabilitie of their absence salbe tryit, athir be way of suspensioun, exceptioun or reply in the first instance, but ony forder proceses or summoundis of reductioun, speciallie the decreit of removing at the instance of Jhonn Wischart of Pettarro and decreit of translatioun following thairupoun aganis Jhonn, erle of Mar for removing from ane part of the landis of the Bray of Mar; the decreit reductive at the instance of James Hamiltoun of Libertoun aganis James, erle of Arrane and his tutour, tuiching reductioun of certane contractis and infeftmentis of the landis of Draffeine; the decreit at the instance of Dame Margaret Maxwell, countesse of Angus, lady Lamingtoun, aganis Archibald, erle of Anguss and his tennentis for hir terce of the erldome of Anguss; the decreit at the instance of Schir Thomas Ker of Pharniehirst, knicht, aganis Archibald, erle of Angus for the teindis of Inverlethame; the decreit obtenit be David Balfour of Inchirie aganis Adame, commendatair of Cambuskinneth. Alsua becaus the landis cuming in oure said soverane lordis handis be the saidis foirfaltouris wer, befoir the leiding thairof, burdenit with diverse alienationis of annuelrentis and of the propertie haldin of thame selffis, and the personis quhilkis wer infeft be the foirfaltour have nevirtheless intromettit with the haill proffeit, havand na respect to the foirsaidis wodsettis and alienationes, quhairthrow the grund standis yit oblishit; thairfoir it is ordanit be his majestie and thre estaitis of parliament that the saidis personis infeft be the saidis foirfaltouris sall pay the haill deweteis, chargeis and wodsettis of the grund safar as is unpayit, and releif the grund thairof sa far as is restand awand of all yeiris of thair intromissioun with the saidis proffeitis, and that executioun pas heirupoun aganis the saidis intromettouris for the foirsaid pament and releif be lettres in all the four formes, at the instances of the personis, quhilkis wer foirfaltit and thair airis, or at the instances of the saidis personis quha hes richt be the saidis alienationis and wodsettis, alwayis but prejudice of thair recurse to the landis at thair optioun and plesir as thai sall think expedient; providing alwayis that thai quha hes alreddie gevin confessioun of thair faithis give the samin of new saoft as thai salbe requirit to do the samin be his majestie or the kirk.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.40r-43r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin. Gaps in text due to damage to the manuscript.
  3. This should presumably be 23 February 1573.