That all lettres be presentit to be subscrivit be the kingis majestie and be the ordinar officiaris

2Oure soverane lord, understanding how far his hienes is grudgit be the subscriving of sindrie signatures and lettres at the inoportun suit and desir of sindrie personis, his hienes not being foirwarnit nor trewlie informit of the effect and contentis of the saidis signatures and lettres; for remeid quhairof, his majestie, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that na signatouris or lettres quhatsumevir salbe presentit to his majestie to be subscrivit in tyme cuming bot be his ordinar officiaris unto quhais offices the same properlie belangis, and incaice onie signatures other ignorantlie or upoun inoportunitie salhappin to be subscrivit be his hienes utherwayis, commandis his saidis ordiner officaris to stay thame and on nawayis to subscrive or pas thame, as thai will anser at ther heichast charge and perrell; quhilk staying of the passing of sic signatouris salbe impute to thame for na offence, bot estemit be his majestie as acceptable and guid service tending to his hienes honour and common weill of this realme.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.38v.
  2. 'V.' written in margin, followed by crossed out 'P.'.