The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 10 November 2024
Ane act in favour of the tennentis quha hes maid payment to factouris
2Forsamekle as it is understand be his hienes that diverse baronis, gentilmen, tennentis and possessouris of landis, rowmes, possessionis, teindis, teindschaves etc. hes bene compellit to mak payment of thair maillis and deweteis, teindis, teindschaves and utheris foirsaidis at command of oure soverane lord, and be vertew of charge direct in favouris of diverse personis haveand factories, giftis, provisionis or utheris securiteis of the saidis fruitis, quhilk pament was maid be thame bona fide efter the executioun of the saidis chargis and na utherwayis, notwithstanding quhairof diverse pairteis intendis heireftir upoun the occasioun of his majesties favour, grantit in the lawes and constitutionis of this present parliament as utherwayis, to move questioun aganis the saidis tennentis and utheris, and to cause thame be repellit, to repay the saidis mailes and deweteis, teindis, teindschavis and utheris aganis all guid ressoun; it is thairfoir statute and ordanit that all and quhatsumevir personis quha hes heirtofoir maid pament of the saidis fruitis to the factouris and utheris havand richt thairto, and hes reportit thair discharges thairof, salbe frie and fred in tyme cuming and of all actioun, instance or persute that may be pretendit aganis thame be quhatsumevir maner, dischairgeing the lordis of counsale and sessioun to grant proces in onie of the saidis persuitis in tyme cuming and all utheris judgeis and ministeris of the lawes within this realme.
- NAS, PA2/13, f.38r.
- 'P.O.' written in margin.