Ane act in favouris of the burrowis anent the paking and peling of fisches

2Forsamekle as in the act of parliament laitlie maid anent the paking and peling of hering, quhite fische and uther fische slane on ather syde of the watter of Forth, it is expresly providit that all the saidis fisches salbe brocht to the portis of Leith or Craill allanerlie, thair to be grathit and handillit as in the said act at mair lenth is contenit, quhilk sensyne hes bene werray prejudiciall and hurtfull to the remanent frie burrowis and sey portis on athir syd of the said watter of Forth, thairfoir our said soverane lord, with advise of his thre estaitis convenit in this present parliament, declairis, statutis and ordanis that it sall be lesum to the remanent of the saidis fre burrowis to haif the saidis fisches brocht to ilk ane of thame in tyme cuming, alsweill as to the saidis portis of Leythe and Craill, notwithstanding onie restrictioun maid thairanent be the said act or utherwayis of befoir, dispensand thairwith for evir; and ordanis lettres of publicatioun to pas heirupoun in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.37v.
  2. 'V.' written in margin.