Ane act interpreting the act of parliament maid of befoir anent dowble poyndingis

2Forsamekle as thair was ane act maid in the last parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the monethe of August fourscoir four yeiris anent decreitis gevin upoun dowble poindingis and horningis, the ane pairt being lauchfullie summond comperis not in that instant and thaireftir desiris to be hard be way of reductioun, thay sall not be hard to retreat and reduce the said decreit, nor yit salbe restorit agane to the samin, nathir yit haif onie actioun for the byrun proffeitis intromettit with be the obtenar of the decreit, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said act, quhilk act is not onlie extendit to all sic questionis as may occur heireftir, bot also in all sic materis of the elike sort bigane, intentit or to be intentit, depending and indecidit, befoir the lordis of sessioun and uther judgeis ordiner, to ane greit hurt and prejudice of ane greit number of oure soveranis subjectis, secluding thame fra thair actionis of reductionis of decreitis, of dowble poindingis and horningis and frome the proffitis resultand thairupoun alreddie intentit and depending lang befoir the making of the said act, quha, of law and equitie, aucht not to be astrictit to observe onie statutes or ordinances befoir the making of the samin, seing lawes suld be extendit ad futura and non ad preterita; thairfoir our soverane lord, with advise of the thrie estaitis of his present parliament, decernis and declaris the foirsaid act of parliament onlie to be extendit to the reductioun of decreitis, of dowble poindingis and horningis as hes, or salbe, obtenit sen the making of the samin, and not to sic as wes intentit and depending lang of befoir; and that in respect oure soverane lordis subjectis culd not observe the said act befoir the making heirof; and ordanis lettres to be direct heirupoun in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.37r.
  2. 'P.V.' written in margin.