Ane act ratefeing the formare act of parliament maid anent discharge of infeftmentis and sowmes of money oblist for deliverie of castellis

2Oure soverane lord, with advise of his thrie estaitis of parliament, ratefeis and apprevis the act maid befoir in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the xxiiij day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, and the repetitioun of quhatsumevir landis or sowmes of money gevin to the keiparis of oure soverane lordis castellis and fortalices to the keiparis therof in his hienes minoritie and les age, being constranit thairto be the foirsaidis keiparis befoir the saidis castellis and fortalices micht be relevit furth of thair handis, as the said act in it selff at mair lenth beiris, in all pointis and clausis thairof, with this additioun: that the said act salbe extendit to all personis, quhilkis, in the regnne of oure soverane lordis dearest mother, beiring auctoritie for the tyme, ressavit landis, guidis, sowmes of money, band, obligatioun or souirtie thairfoir for deliverance of the saidis castellis and fortalices, and that the personis or thair airis oblist athir as principallis or as cautioneris for pament of the sowmes of money, or to mak infeftmentis of landis or to gif ony uther proffeit to the keiparis of the saidis castellis and fortalices, and can verifie and preif that the said obligatioun wes maid for that caus, salhave guid actioun to reduce the said band and obligatioun and ane competent exceptioun be vertew of this present act to mak the same null and of nane availl quhen evir thai salbe callit for the fulfilling thairof; and gif thai persew the said reductioun, thai salbe hard summarlie befoir the lordis of sessioun upoun xv dayis warning but dyet, table or continewatioun of uther summondis.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.36v-37r.
  2. 'P.' written in margin.