Ane act aganis dilapidatioun of benefices

2The kingis majestie, considering the greitt and schamefull dilapidatioun of the rentis of the benefices of this realme, without respect of the posteritie, to the greit hurt of the croun and commoun welth of his realme, thairfoir, for sum stay of the said disordour quhill the inconvenientis past may be better tryit and the full remeid providit, be the advise of the thrie estaitis convenit in this present parliament, statutis and ordanis that all personis to be providit heireftir to the bishoprikis, abbaciis, priories or quhatsumevir inferiour benefices, being at his hienes presentatioun, sall, befoir the expeditioun and registratioun of thair signatouris, find souirtie to the clerk, keipar of the register, that thai sall leve the said benefice at thair deceise and dimissioun unhurt or viciat in the quantitie of the yeirlie rent thairof, as thai find it at thair entrie thairto; and that thair signatouris and provisionis onnawayis be expeid or pas the seillis quhill the said souirtie be fundin and the same testifiit be the same clerk. And incaice ony of the saidis personis providit to the saidis benefices salhappin to do utherwayes and, be ony fewes, takis, pensionis or changeing of victuall for money or ony uthir dispositioun, sall mak thair benefice in worse estait nor the same wes at thair entrie thairto, all setting and dispositioun salbe of nane availe, force nor effect.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, f.36r.
  2. 'V.' written in margin.