Ratificatioun to the Erll of Huntlie of the landis of Balquhane

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estaitis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the infeftment gevin and grantit be oure soverane lord to his richt traist cousing and counsallour George, erle of Huntlie, lord Gordoun and Badyenocht, of all and haill the landis and baronie of Balquhane, with the touir and fortalice of the same, the manis of Balquhane, Quhit Corse, with the milne and multuris of the same, Blanboy, Aletoun de Knokin, Blewis, Nether Toun of Knokinblewis, Knokalloquhy, with the milne and multuris of the same, the landis of Fyde, with the milne, multuris and ailhous of the same, Erlisfeild, Segie Den, tua pairt and maner place of Wairdis, with the touir and fortalice of the samin, togidder with the milnes, multeris, pertinentis, medois, forreftis, yaerdis, orcheardis, places, tennentis, tenandriis and service of frie tennentis of the samin, annexis, connexis and outsettis quhatsumevir, togidder with the commountie, in all and haill the forrest of Bannachy; and likewayis of all and haill landis of Innerramsy, Petvie and Newlandis, with the pendiclis and pertinentis of the samin, of all and haill the schaddow half of the toun and landis of Drumdurrocht, with the pertinentis, the schaddow half of the schaddow half of the croft and chapeltoun of Garreauch, with pendiclis and pertinentis of the samin, liand within the regalitie of Garreauch and sherefdome of Abirdene; and als of all and haill the schaddow quarter of the sonie half landis of Eister Creuchie, off all and haill the schaddow quarter of the sonie half landis of Middle Creuchie and of the quarter of the sonie half landis of Creichnaleid, togidder with the quarter of the milne and multeris of the samin, liand in the baronie of Chreiche and sherefdome foirsaid, and that in speceale warrandice of the half landis of Litillwarthill; and all and haill the landdis of Craigtowie, and als of all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis of Craigtowie and Craigmilne, with the pertinentis; and decernis and declairis the same infeftment to have full strenth, force and effect in all tymes cuming as is contenit thairintill, efter the forme and tennour thairof, expreslie declairis be thir presentis that the foirsaidis landis, nor na pairt thairof, is not, nor salbe, ony wayis comprehendit under oure soverane lordis revocatioun maid at this present parliament, bot that the samin is and salbe exceptit, lik as oure said soverane lord, with avise foirsaid, be the tennour heirof, exceptis the samin furth of the said revocatioun; and alsua decernis this present declaratioun and exceptioun is, and salbe, of als greit strenth, force and effect as gif the same had bene contenit and insert thairin, to the effect the said George, erll of Huntlie may peceablie bruik and joise the saidis landis and baronies, with thair pertinentis particularlie abonewrettin, conforme to the articles thairof foirsaidis, with lettres of publicatioun to pas heirupoun, gif neid beis, in forme as effeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/13, ff.28r-v.