Revocatioun of the landis pertening to umquhill William Maitland of Lethingtoun, youngar

Oure soverane lord, be the advise of the thrie estatis of this present parliament, fullelie understanding the privilege grantit unto him alsweill be the comoun law as be the constitutionis, statutis and lawis of this realme in revocatioun of all infeftmentis, heretageis, giftis and dispositionis quhatsumevir, be presentatioun or utherwyis maid be him in his minoritie and les aige to ony persoun or personis of quhatsumevir landis, lordshippis and baroneis becummand in his majesties handis and pertening to his grace as his propertie the tyme of his gift and dispositioun thairof, to his great hurt and detriment of his croun and patrimonie thairof, hes diverse tymis heirtofoir maid publict and generall revocatioun thairof, and speciallie in his hienes parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh, the [...] day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxix yeiris, and in his nixt parliament haldin thairefter at Edinburgh in the moneth of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxj yeiris, and now willing that the revocationis maid in the saidis parliamentis suld tak full effect efter the forme and tennour thairof in the speciall infeftmentis efter following maid to the personis underwrittin of the landis efter mentionat, his hienes, with avise of his saidis thrie estatis in this present parliament, hes of new revokit, cassit and annullit and be the tennour heirof cassis, revokis and annullis the infeftment and heretable gift maid be his hienes to Robert Hepburne, sone lawfull to Patrik Hepburne of Wauchtoun, his airis and assignais, of all and haill the landis of Stevinstoun, with the tour, fortalice, mylne and fishingis thairof upoun the watter of Tyne, with the mure of Stevinstoun, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the chaiplanrie of Halibluid altar, sumtyme situat within the paroch kirk of Hadingtoun; item, the infeftment and heretable gift maid be his hienes to umquhill Capitane James Hectour, his airis and assignais, of all and haill the half landis of Garvald, extending to fourtie husband landis or thairby, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun foirsaid; and siclike the infeftment and heretable gift maid be his hienes to Alexander Home, sone and apperant air to Alexander Home of Manderstoun, off all and haill the fyftene husband landis of Simprene and of all and haill the landis of Over and Nether Toftis, with all thair pertinentis, lyand and within the sherefdome of Berwik; and siclike the infeftment and heretable gift maid be his hienes to Schir James Home of Fynlawis, knycht, his airis and assignais, off all and syndrie the landis callit Lady Park, als Lady Pairt, lyand within the baillierie off Lawderdaill and sherefdome of Berwik; and inlykmaner the infeftment and heretabl gift maid be his hienes to Andro Ker of Fawdounsyid, his airis and assignais, off all and haill the thrid part of the landis and baronie of Boltoun, with the haill fortalice, maner place and yairdis thairof, with the thrid of the mylne of Boltoun and multuris of the samyn, with tennentis, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, quhilk thrid part and haill fortalice, maner place and yairdis thairof pertenit to umquhill Williame Maitland, sumtyme apperand of Lethingtoun; and siclike the uther infeftment and heretable gift maid be his hienes to umquhill Williame, sumtyme lord Ruthven, lait erll of Gowrie, his airis and assignais, off all and haill uther thrid of the saidis landis and baronie of Boltoun and mylne thairof, with the multuris of the samyn, with tennentis, tenandreis, service of frie tennentis thairof, liand within the said sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, haldin be him immediatlie of his hienes as become in his majesties handis be reasoun of escheat throw proces and domes of foirfalture led aganis the said umquhill Williame for certane crymis of treasoun and lesemajestie quhairof he wes convict. And als our said soverane lord revokis in speciall the presentatioun direct to the priores and convent of the landis underwrittin presentand Patrik, lord Lyndsay of the Byris in immediat heretable tennent to thame, off all and haill the landis of the manis of the abbay of Hadingtoun, the landis of Muirtounhall, the landis of Westhopis, the landis of Eisthopis, the landis of Newlandis, the landis off Ryndislaw, the landis of Wodend, the landis of Snawdoun, the landis of Carfra, the landis of Litill Newtoun, with the teyndis thairof includit, with all thair pairtis and pendicles, liand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and sherefdome of Edinburgh. And als our said soverane lord revokis in speciall the presentatioun direct to the priores and convent off the abbacie of Hadingtoun, presentand umquhill Schir Williame Dowglas of Hawik, knycht, youngar of Drumlanrig, in immediat tennent to thame, of all and haill the landis of Vagbie, with the pertinentis, lyand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, as becum in our said soverane lordis handis be the foirfalture of the said umquhill Williame Maitland; and likwyis the presentatioun direct to the commendatar and convent of the abbay of Melrose, presentand Andro Ker of Fawdounsyid in immediat tennent to thame, of all and haill the toun and landis of Darnik, the Smithis Croft, Maisterquharreis land, Teylehous, the sie maisteris croft and land, Markisley, the pertinentis and pendicles of the samyn, viz, the hauch abone the brig and Lochcreist, with the partis, pendiclis and pertinentis tairof, lyand within the lordship and regalitie of Melrose and sherefdome of Berwik, as becum in our said soverane lordis handis be the foirfaltour off the said umquhill Williame; and likwayis the presentatioun direct to the commendatar and convent of the abbay of Dryburght, presentand Robert Home of Reidheuch in immediat heretable tennent to thame, of all and haill the landis of Snawdoun, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the baillierie of Lawderdaill within the said sherefdome of Berwik, as becum in our said soverane lordis handis be the foirfalture of the said umquhill Williame Maitland. And als the presentatioun direct to Henrie, lord Synclair, superiour of the landis and annuelrentis underwrittin, presentand [...] Synclair, sone to the said lord, at least sum uther persoun speciallie nominat in the said presentatioun, in immediat tennent to the said Lord Synclair of all and haill the landis of Balbegy, gevand be yeir fyve chalderis victuall, the twa mylnis of Ryre, gevand be yeir ane hundreth merkis, and ane annuelrent of ane hundreth merkis, to be upliftit at twa termes in the yeir, Witsounday and Martimes in winter, out of all and haill the said Lord Synclaris coilpot in Dysert, and als of all and haill ane house callit the Heremitage, lyand within the burght of Dysert, all lyand within the baronie of Dysert and Reviniscraig respective and sherefdome of Fyiff, as becum in oure said soverane lordis handis be the foirfalture of the said umquhill Williame Maitland, as in the saidis presentationis respective, with the infeftmentis past thairupoun, at mair lenth is contenit; as his hienes, with avise of the thrie estatis of parliament, decernis, ordinis and declaris the saidis infeftmentis, giftis and presentationis, alsweill of the landis haldin of his hienes as of the uther superiouris respective foirsaidis, and everie ane of thame, with all that followit or may follow thairupoun, to be in all tyme cumming of nane availl, force nor effect and the landis, lordshipis and utheris abonespecifeit to be in his hienes handis and that his hienes may set, rais and use the samyn, mak new presentationis and dispone thairupoun als frelie in all respectis and conditionis as his hienes micht have done befoir the granting of the infeftmentis and presentationis abonespecifeit, disponit and maid be him of befoir, as said is; and ordinis lettres to be direct to mak publicatioun heirof in forme as effeiris. Subscrivit be oure said soverane lord at [...] the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir four yeris befoir thir witneses.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.132v-133r.