Ratificatioun of certane infeftmentis grantit to Schir Johne Maitland of Thirlstane, knycht

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estatis in parliament, for the guid, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes and his darrest mother be Schir Johne Maitland of Thirlstane, knicht, now his majesties secretair, ratefeis and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the charter and infeftment maid be Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun, knycht and barone of the baronie of Blytht, to the said Schir Johne and the airis maill lawfullie to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failleand, to Johne Maitland, sone and air apperand to Johne Maitland of Auchingassill and his airis maill lawfullie to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failleand, his narrest and lawfull airis maill quhatsumever berand the armes and surname of Maitland, of all and haill the landis and baronie of Blytht, with annexis, connexis, partis, pendiclis, milnis, woddis, tenentis, tenandreis and service of frie tennentis of the samyn and all thair pertinentis, liand within the lordship of Lawderdaill and sherefdome of Berwik, to be haldin of his hienes and his successouris be service of warde and releve, as the said charter of alienatioun and previe venditioun of the dait at Edinburgh, the xv day of Marche the yeir of God jM vC lxxx yeris, at mair lenth bearis, with the instrument of sesing following thairupoun; and siclike the charter of confirmatioun maid be his hienes, with advise of the lordis of secrete counsell under his great seall of the dait the xix day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiij yeiris, ratifeand and apprevand the said infeftment and charter of venditioun and alienatioun maid to the said Schir Johne in maner foirsaid; and siclike his hienes and thrie estatis foirsaidis hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis and apprevis the uther charter and infeftment under his great seall to the said Schir Johne and Maistres Jeane Flemyng, his spous, the langar levar of thame twa in conjunctfie, and to the airis lawfullie gottin or to be gottin betuix thame, quhilkis failyeand, to the said Schir Johnis airis quhatsumever, off all and haill the landis and baronie of Thankartoun and Biggar, with the partis and pertinentis thairof, liand within the sherefdome of Lanark, and of all and haill ane annuelrent of fiftie poundis money of this realme yeirlie to be upliftit at twa usuall termes in the yeir, Witsounday and Martimes in wynter, be twa equall portionis, of all and haill the landis of Abbottiskers, with thair pertinentis, liand within the sherefdome of Striveling, as the said infeftment of the dait at the castell of Striveling the penult day of October, the yeir of God jM vC lxxxiij yeiris, at mair lenth proportis, with the instrumentis of sesing following thairupoun; and als his hienes and thrie estatis of parliament ratefeis and apprevis and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confirmis the charter of alienatioun and venditioun maid be the said Schir Richard Maitland of Lethingtoun, knycht, to the said Schir Johne and his airis maill and of taillie befoir specifeit of all and haill the landis of Lethingtoun, with the tour, fortalice, maner place, orchyairdis and yairdis thairof, with the pleuch of land callit the West Feild, with tenentis, tenandreis, service of frie tennentis and all thair pertinentis, liand within the sherefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, to be haldin of William, lord Hay of Yester, and his airis in frie blanche, as the said infeftment and sesine following thairupoun in like maner at mair lenth proportis, the said William, lord Hay of Yester, his confirmatioun gevin thairefter ratefeand the said infeftment of venditioun and alienatioun thairin contenit in all pointis, clausis and articles of the samyn; and decernis and ordinis that this present ratificatioun in forme of act of parliament is and salbe in all tymis heirefter als valiable and sufficient in all respectis as gif all and syndrie the saidis infefmentis, charteris, confirmationis and sesingis wer at lenth insert thairin, and that, be vertew thairof, the said Schir Johne, his airis, assignais and successouris sall peceablie bruik and jois the landis, baroneis and annuelrent abone specefeit in all respectis as ony utheris, his hienes subjectis, brukis and possesis thair landis and heretageis withi this realme, notwithstanding quhatsumevir sentencis of foirfaltour gevin and pronuncit in ony tym bypast aganis the said Schir Johne and umquhill Williame Maitland, his brother, and als notwithstanding the actis maid in his hienes parliament haldin at Striveling in the moneth of August, the yeir of God jM vC lxxj yeiris, and at Edinburgh in the moneth of November, the yeir of God jM vC lxxix yeris, as alsua at Edinburgh in the moneth of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir ane yeiris, anent the disherising of the posteritie of the personis foirfaltit in the saidis parliamentis or ony uther parliamentis; and notwithstanding quhatsumevir uther lawes, actis and constitutionis of this realme quhairinto his hienes, be avise of the saidis thrie estatis, hes maid and be thir presentis makis plane derogatioun in that behalff.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.131r-v.