Pacificatioun to the bairnis of umquhill James Borthuik

Oure soverane lord, with avise and consent of the thrie estatis in this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the benefite of pacificatioun gevin and grantit be his hienes to Margaret Borthuik, dochter and air apperand to umquhill James Borthuik, apperant for the tyme of Newbyris, willing and declaring that the same pacificatioun salbe als larglie and favorablie extendit to the saidis umquhill James and Margaret, his dochter, as gif thair namis wer speciallie nominat thairin, in all pointis and conditionis thairof, as the samyn gift of the dait the xvj day of Maii instant at mair lenth proportis; likas alsua our said soverane lord, with avise of his saidis thrie estatis foirsaidis, be thir presentis, willis, decernis and declaris that the reservatioun, exceptioun or provisioun contenit in ane formar benefite of pacificatioun grantit to the said umquhill James in his tyme (with provisioun it suld not be extendit to the soum of thrie thowsand and four hundreth poundis money disponit as ane pairt of his eschaet of befoir to umquhill Maister James MacGill of Rankelour Nethir, clerk of register, than consignit for redemptioun of certane landis of Arnolstoun) sall not be, nor is not allowit nor apprevit in this present benefite of pacificatioun and ratificatioun thairof, bot that the said reservatioun and exceptioun in the uther pacificatioun salbe null and of nane effect, and that this pacificatioun and ratificatioun of the samyn salbe als valiable and effectuall to the said Margaret tueching the bruking and joising of the full liberties, benefites, privilegeis and conditionis of the said pacificatioun, without ony exceptioun or derogatioun to be opponit or admittit in the contrare, quhairby the said Margarettis, dochter and apparent air foirsaid, may succeid to bruik, jois, intromet with and call for all and quhatsumevir landis, guddis, geir and sowmis off money, conforme to the said pacificatioun, quhilkis ony wayis appertenit or micht appertene to the said umquhill James, hir fader, als largelie and without ony exceptioun as ony utheris quhomto the said benefite of pacificatioun hes evir bene grantit, and als frelie as gif the said exceptioun or reservatioun of the samyn abonespecifeit had not bene reservit nor exceptit in the said first benefit of pacificatioun grantit to the said umquhill James of befoir as said is; quhilk exceptioun or reservatioun our said soverane lord, with avise and consent foirsaid, be thir presentis, revokis, annullis and simpliciter dischargeis in favouris of the said Margaret, incace the said sylver wes not tane up befoir the said pacificatioun accordit upoun at Perth, the xxiij day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vC lxxij yeris, be the said umquhill Maister James MacGill; and ordinis lettres to be direct to mak publicatioun heirof, gif neid beis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.128v.