Ane act for ane new cunyie of gold

2Forsamekle as it is understand that the ancient and auld gold within the cuntrie hes bene and is fra hame transportit be strangearis, passingearis and utheris, sua that presentlie litill remanis within the cuntrie, quhairthrow his majesties subjectis ar endampnageit and the gold of utheris princes and cuntreis hes cours within this realme, at the pleasour of sic as byis and sellis and not according to ressonable prices at the jugement of his majestie and estat[...] being remedit may import great inconvenient and his majestie frusstrat of his hienes comm[...], thairfoir it is thocht guid, statute and ordinit be our soverane lord and his thrie [...] in this present parliament that thair salbe cunyeit twa peceis of gold, the ane of sex peceis [...] unce and of the fynes of xxj carrettis, and ane halff to have cours and passage for thrie poundis fyvetene shillingis; the uther of nyne in the unce of the wecht of the croun and of the fynes foirsaid, and to have cours of fiftie shillingis; and toward the forme and circumscriptioun thairof, with the remedie of wecht and fynes, his majestie and estatis remittis the same to the lordis of his hienes secrete counsell, and, be the tennour heirof, gevis and grantis commissioun to tak ordour thairanent as they sall think expedient.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.126v-127r.
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript.