Ane act ratefeing and approving the procedingis of the kingis majestie, his counsall and officiaris in the tryall, prosecutioun and punisment of the lait rebellioun attemptat aganis his hienes and his auctoritie

Forsamekle as for the better triall of the last2 maist treasounable conspiracie and rebellioun attemptit aganis our said soverane lord, his persoun and estate be Archibald, erll of Angus, Johne, erll of Mar, Maister Thomas Lyoun of Baldukie, maister of Glammes, and thair complices, and repressing of thair insolence efter thair taking of his majesties burgh of Sterling, his hienes, be avise of his counsell and officiaris of his estate resident with him for the tyme, directit syndrie proclamationis, lettres, chargeis and commissionis for convening of his subjectis in armis for recovering and taking of howsis, apprehending of personis giltie and suspect, and syndrie uther thingis maist necessar for the advancement of his hienes service for the tyme, quhill, at Goddis pleasour, the pretence of his disloyall subjectis was disapointit be the executioun of justice upoun sum to the deith, according to thair just deservingis, the remanent escaping and fleing out of the realme or as yit remaning coverit within the samyn; quhairfoir, the kingis majestie and his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament, findis and declaris the procedingis of his majestie, his counsell, and of officiaris usit and maid in the triall, prosecutioun and punisment of the said lait rebellioun attemptit aganis his hienes and his auctoritie as said is to be dewlie, worthelie and sufficientlie done and performit, and that his said counsell, officiaris and utheris guid subjectis assisting thame in the premisis hes done to his hienes guid, trew and thankfull service in that behalf.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.118v.
  2. APS has 'lait'.