2Ane act establissing the forme of jugement anent the depositioun and deprivatioun of ministeris and utheris benefeceit personis fra thair benefices for worthie causis

Oure soverane lord and his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament, willing that the word of God salbe prechit and sacramentis administrat in puritie and synceritie, and that the rentis quhairon the ministeris aucht to be sustenit sall not be possest be unworthie personis neglecting to do thair dewties for quhilkis they accept thair benefices, being utherwayis polluted be the fraill and enorme crymis and vices efterspecifeit, it is thairfoir statute and ordinit be his hienes, with avise of the saidis thrie estatis, that all personis, ministeris or reiddaris, or utheris providit to benefices sen his hienes coronatioun (not having vote in his hienes parliament) suspectit culpable of heresie, papistrie, fals and erroneous doctrine, commoun blasphemie, fornicatioun, commoun drunkinnes, non residence, pluralitie of benefices having cure, quhairunto they ar providit sen the said coronatioun, symonie and dilapidatioun of the rentis of benefices, contrare the lait act of parliament, being lawfullie and ordourlie callit, tryit and adjugeit culpable in the vices and causis abonewrittin, or one off thame, be the ordinare bishop of the diocie or utheris, the kingis majesties comissionaris to be constitute in ecclesiasticall causis, salbe deprivit alsweill fra thair functioun in the ministerie as fra thair benefices, quhilkis salbe thairby declarit to be vacand, to be presentit and conferrit of new, as gif the personis, possessouris thairof, had bene naturallie dead; and that it salbe estemit and jugeit not residence quhair the persoun being in the functioun of the ministerie, providit to ane benefice sen the kingis majesties coronatioun, makis not residence at his mans, gif he ony hes, and, falyeing thairof, at sum uther duelling place within the parochin, but remanis absent thairfra and from his kirk and using of his office be the space of four Sondayis in the haill yeir, without lawfull caus and impediment allowat be his ordinare; and quhair ony persoun is admittit to ma benefices havand cure sen oure soverane lordis coronatioun, the acceptatioun of the last salbe sufficient caus of deprivatioun from the remanent, sua that he be providit to tua or ma benefices havand cure sen the tyme of the said coronatioun; and nevertheles this present act sall not extend to ony persoun providit to his benefice befoir the said coronatioun, nather sall the bruking of the said office quhairunto he wes providit of befoir induce pluralitie of benefices in this cace, bot he sall alanerlie tyne his richt of the benefice quhairunto he wes providit sen the said coronatioun alanerlie, and unioun of kirkis to ane benefice not to be jugeit pluralitie, quhill farder ordour be establissit and providit in that behalf; likas alsua the personis being in the functioun of the ministrie that sall happin to be lawfullie and ordourlie convicted befoir our soverane lordis justice generall or utheris, thair jugeis competent of criminall causis, sic as treasoun, slachter, mutilatioun, adulterie, incest, thift,3 perjurie or falset, they being likewayis lawfullie and ordourlie deprivit fra thair functioun in the ministerie be thair ordinare or the kingis commissionaris in ecclesiasticall causis, the benefices possest be the saidis personis to vaik be reasoun of the said convictioun and deprivatioun and this to have effect and executioun onlie for crymis, vicis, faltis and offenceis that sall happin to be committit efter the dait heirof.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, f.117r.
  2. Cross beside title.
  3. In APS, 'thift' is followed by 'commoun oppressioun, usurie aganes the lawis of this realme'.