2Ane act dischargeing all jurisdictionis and jugementis not approvit be parliament, and all assembleis and conventionis without our soverane lordis speciall licence and comandement

Forsamekle as in the trublous tymis during thir xxiiij yeris bypast, syndrie formis of jugementis and jurisdictionis, alsweill in spirituall as temporall causis, ar enterit, in the practis and custome quhairby the kingis majesties subjectis ar oftymis convocat and assemblit togidder and panis, alsweill civill and pecuniall as ecclesiasticall, injonit unto thame, proces led and deduceit, sentences and decreitis gevin and the same put in executioun, na sic ordour as yit being allowit of and approvit be his majestie and his thrie estatis in parliament contrare the custome observit in ony uther Christiane kingdome or weill governit commoun weill and to the diminissing of the force and power of his hienes awin lawis, be the quhilkis his majesties subjectis aucht to be rewllit, and speciallie his hienes and his estatis considering that in the saidis assembleis certane his subjectis have takin upoun thame to justifie and auctorize the fact perpetrate aganis his hienes persoun and estate at Ruthven and prosecutit thairefter, quhill his majestie at Goddis pleasour recoverit his libertie, having in thair pretendit maner maid actis thairupoun, kepis the same in register and as yit semis to allow the said attemptat, althocht now publictlie condampnit be his hienes and estatis as treasounable, nane of the authoris thairof having cravit his hienes pardone; thairfoir; for remeid quhairof in tyme cumming, sua that according to the lovable act of his darrest guidschir, King James the Ferd of worthie memorie, all his hienes liegeis (being under his obeissance) man be rewllit be his awin lawis and the commoun lawis of this realme and be nane uther lawis, oure soverane lord and his thrie estatis assemblit in this present parliament dischargeis all jugementis and jurisdictionis, spirituall or temporall, accustomat to be usit and execute upoun ony of his hienes subjectis quhilkis ar not approvit be his hienes and his saidis thrie estatis convenit in parliament, and decernis the same to ceis in tyme cumming, quhill the ordour thairof be first sene and considerit be his estatis3 in parliament, and be allowit and ratefeit be thame, certefeing thame that sall proceid in using and exerceing of the saidis jugementis and jurisdictionis or in obeying of the same, not being allowit nor ratefeit as said is, they salbe repute, haldin, callit, persewit, and punissit as usurparis and contempnaris of his hienes auctoritie, in exemple of utheris. And als it is statute and ordinit be our said soverane lord and his thrie estatis that nane of his hienes subjectis, of quhatsumever qualitie, estate or functioun they be of, spirituall or temporall, presume or tak upoun hand to convocat, convene or assemble thame selffis togidder for halding of counsellis, conventionis or assembleis, to creat, consult and determinat in ony mater of estate, civill or ecclesiasticall (except in the ordinare jugementis), without his majesties speciall comandement, expres licence had and obtenit to that effect, under the panis ordinit be the lawis and actis of parliament aganis sic as unlawfullie convocatis the kingis liegeis.

  1. NAS, PA2/12, ff.116v-117r.
  2. Cross beside title.
  3. In APS, this sentence reads, '...quhill the ordour thairof be first sene and considerit be his hienes and his saidis thrie estatis convenit is parliament ...'.